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Putin, 'Moscow behind damage to Finland gas pipeline? Fesseria' - Last hour

10/13/2023, 3:36:34 PM

Highlights: Putin, 'Moscow behind damage to Finland gas pipeline? Fesseria' Putin: "These statements are only aimed at covering up the terrorist attack committed by the West against Nord Stream" It remains a mystery who is behind the alleged sabotage of the NordStream pipeline, which links Russia to Germany through the waters of the Baltic Sea. The pipeline was damaged in September last year, in the midst of international tensions over the invasion of Ukraine, according to reports in Finland and Estonia. The damage to the pipeline has been reported in recent days.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has called it "a lie" to speculate that Moscow could be behind the damage to the gas pipeline linking Estonia and Finland reported in recent days. (ANSA)

Russian President Vladimir Putin has called it "a lie" to speculate that Moscow could be behind the damage to the gas pipeline linking Estonia and Finland denounced in recent days.
"These statements are only aimed at covering up the terrorist attack committed by the West against Nord Stream," Putin said, blaming Western countries for the mysterious explosions that in September last year, in the midst of international tensions over the invasion of Ukraine, damaged the pipelines connecting Russia to Germany through the waters of the Baltic. It remains a mystery who is behind the alleged sabotage of NordStream.

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