The Limited Times

Woman with beard declares war on haters from the internet

10/13/2023, 5:17:41 PM

Highlights: Woman with beard declares war on haters from the internet. Woman with hair on her face, chest, back, arms and legs is being celebrated for it. Khosi B. from South Africa makes her strong hair growth public on Instagram. She draws attention to her problems in order to give courage to other sufferers and to stand up to negative comments. In women, body hair appears in more typically male areas, such as on the face, but also on the back, on the areolas and breastbone.

Status: 13.10.2023, 19:00 PM

By: Janine Napirca


Khosi B. from South Africa is making her excessive hair growth public on social media – and is being celebrated for it. But what is the cause of the phenomenon known as hirsutism?

While some women and men suffer from hair loss, ingrown hairs or so-called "witch hair" on the chin, there are also people who are affected by excessive hair growth. For example, a woman from South Africa has been suffering for years from growing hair on her face, among other things. On social media, she draws attention to her problems in order to give courage to other sufferers and to stand up to negative comments. Numerous users celebrate it for this.

Khosi B. from South Africa makes her strong hair growth public on Instagram

The affected South African woman informs as khosibuthelezi on her Instagram profile about the excessive hair growth. For years, she has suffered from the fact that her face, chest, back, arms and legs are more hairy.

This courage is rewarded: "You are so beautiful" and "breathtaking beauty" are just a few of the benevolent comments under her post. One user also writes: "It is hair, no more or less, part of us humans and no one can choose whether they have many or few of them and where they like to sprout." She also demands that everyone should take care of their own hair and suspects that men with severe hair loss in particular are upset about more hairy women.

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Hirsutism: causes of excessive hair growth

In the case of excessive hair growth, it may be hirsutimus. In women, body hair appears in more typically male areas, such as on the face, but also on the back, on the areolas and breastbone, the lower abdomen, buttocks and thighs. Hirsutimus is often hormonal in nature, and Zavamed cites other causes in a report:

  • Metabolic disorders (polycystic ovary syndrome, insulin levels that are too high or too low, adrenocortical insufficiency)
  • Side effects of medications (anabolic steroids, minoxidil, phenytoin)
  • Benign and malignant tumors (ovaries, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, pancreas)

According to the report, hirsutimus is called idiopathic when, as in 20 percent of all cases, the cause cannot be clarified. A disorder of testosterone metabolism in the skin is suspected.


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In the case of Khosi B., doctors have also not yet been able to determine a cause. As Focus reports, neither hormone tests nor examinations for polycystic ovary syndrome are said to have yielded results. However, she is not alone in her family: other women in her family are also said to be affected, according to the report.

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. It is in no way a substitute for a visit to the doctor. Unfortunately, our editors are not allowed to answer individual questions about clinical pictures.