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Melons, few resources that should not be squandered - News

10/14/2023, 11:34:39 AM

Highlights: Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni: "There are no resources to squander on things that make no sense" "It is a complex season to manage, we are called every day to make difficult choices, which we make with the heart loving the nation" "We have focused on defending this excellence from the many moorings aimed at homologation", she adds. "For us specificity is fundamental, it is the greatness of Italy as is the work we have defended and we encourage "even in maneuver"

Focus on the serious stuff: businesses, jobs, incomes and households. The situation is complex, every day difficult choices (ANSA)

"With the budget law that arrives on Monday we focus on the fight against inflation to give an answer, we try to do serious and important things: there are no resources to squander on things that make no sense but to concentrate on the important things that are businesses, work, incomes and families". This was said by the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni speaking from the stage of the Coldiretti village adding that "it is a complex season to manage, we are called every day to make difficult choices, which we make with the heart loving the nation".

"It was not an easy year even of physical strength - she said -: I came back this morning at six, we did something like 23 hours by plane, it's not easy but when you know that you do it by representing someone and it is understood, this gives all the energy in the world".

The Prime Minister then underlined that "we have focused on defending this excellence from the many moorings aimed at homologation. They want to sell everyone the same product but they will not succeed because for us specificity is fundamental, it is the greatness of Italy as is the work we have defended and we encourage "even in maneuver".

"On a day like this I want to remember that there are those who use wheat as a weapon and this is unacceptable". So Meloni walking among the stands of the Coldiretti village about the world bread day that occurs tomorrow.

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