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This supermarket photo makes some doubt humanity – "I had to look twice"

10/14/2023, 2:55:41 AM

Highlights: This supermarket photo makes some doubt humanity – "I had to look twice".. Status: 14.10.2023, 04:47 a.m. BST. Do you see it right away? A supermarket photo appears again and again on the Internet. The image is captioned with the text "I have relatively little hope for humanity" The photo shows a person with a red jacket, in the foreground one with a dark one (genders not clearly determined), both have headed for the fresh shelf.

Status: 14.10.2023, 04:47 a.m.

By: Armin T. Linder


Do you see it right away? A supermarket photo appears again and again on the Internet – and makes some doubt about humanity.

Cologne - A supermarket photo is once again causing a sensation. It has now landed on the app Jodel, a user from Munich posted it. The image is captioned with the text "I have relatively little hope for humanity." Before we dive into the recording itself, it's time to get to the source – because the release is marked as a "repost".

Supermarket photo always causes a sensation – do you see it too?

In fact, the image is ancient and appears again and again. Back in 2017, a Twitter user from North Rhine-Westphalia posted it, he seems to have shot it himself. This earned him 45 comments and around 7,000 likes. The topic gained momentum again four years ago. At that time, it ended up on Reddit, got thousands of reactions and more than 160 comments. Even then, as now with Jodel, the conclusion was: "Relatively little hope (in the long term) for humanity" – because this is the title under which the Reddit user posted.

In any case, the photo looks authentic and at first glance shows a completely normal, rather boring supermarket scene. In the background a person with a red jacket, in the foreground one with a dark one (genders not clearly determined), both have headed for the fresh shelf. But it doesn't take long to realize that someone has made quite a fail here. Do you see it right away?

Person in supermarket grabs not only one basket but all

The person in the foreground has not taken a green basket to store his purchases. Instead, he has probably thoughtlessly grabbed the entire stack of baskets and pulls them through the store on a rolling platform. This not only ensures that other customers no longer get a basket at the entrance. But also for a rather bizarre sight.

Now, it would be a bit of an exaggeration to doubt humanity because of this, as some apparently do. It's just a small span of everyday life, as it happens – almost everyone has probably made a fool of themselves with something like this at some point. And in the supermarket there are also some mistakes that you can make. Perhaps it is precisely this potential for empathy that ensures that the comments overflow.

"I had to look twice": Supermarket photo makes people laugh

"Got a lot of baskets," jokes one. "I had to look twice," admits another. Another has a brief understanding: "It took me a few seconds to realize it. Elsewhere there are actually bigger/deeper baskets to pull behind, which look almost the same (I know it from Hypermarchés). But that's no excuse for the leeks, because when you look at it, it should be clear how small the basket is from the inside."

It also reads: "I like the idea that when she looks at the other baskets at some point during the shopping process, she realizes what an embarrassing mistake she has made and then all the time hopes no one notices. It's just great." The prompt response:. "90% of the time, that's exactly what happened... at least if I had been the person," another responds.


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Alleged supermarket employee: "Happens in our store every day"

As is so often the case in such contexts, alleged supermarket employees also speak out. "It happens every day in our store," writes one, adding in brackets: "Anyone who works in retail loses faith in humanity relatively quickly." One man even complained loudly to him "that this piece was totally impractical". The fact that not all customers are so easy to take is already shown by the sayings that retail employees have to listen to on a regular basis.

In any case, there is also a completely different theory about the person with the baskets in the photo: "What if it's on purpose, because she doesn't want to carry anything?" Then it would almost be brilliant again. Another supermarket discovery also caused discussion: This shopping list is remarkable, but also shows an ingenious trick. (lin)

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