The Limited Times

Arab flight attendant at El Al fired after posting support for terrorists - voila! tourism

10/15/2023, 5:17:15 PM

Highlights: Arab flight attendant at El Al fired after posting support for terrorists. El Al: "The employee was fired for making a statement" "I feel sorry for the Martyrs," referring to the war with Gaza that broke out on October 7. "I'm not a terrorist," the flight attendant wrote on social media. "You can't be a terrorist if you're a flight attendant," El Al said in a statement. "We don't have any plans to hire any more Arab flight attendants," it added.

"I feel sorry for the Martyrs": An Arab flight attendant at El Al wrote a post on social media expressing support for terrorists following the war in Gaza, and was fired. El Al: "The employee was fired for making a statement

El Al's new "Nof HaGalil" Dreamliner / Photo: Lior Sharon

El Al fired an Arab flight attendant who works for El Al after she posted on social media that she wrote, "I feel sorry for the Martyrs," referring to the war with Gaza that broke out on October 7.

El Al said in response: "The employee was fired for making inappropriate statements."

  • More on the subject:
  • stewardess
  • EL AL