The Limited Times

New speed limit rule for traffic lights: Association fears far-reaching restrictions for motorists

10/15/2023, 3:48:00 PM

Highlights: New speed limit rule for traffic lights: Association fears far-reaching restrictions for motorists. municipalities have significantly more leeway when it comes to speed limits. The Central Association of the German Motor Vehicle Industry (ZDK) fears that motorists could be disadvantaged as a result. According to the ZDK, cars must not be displaced for the interests of others, but there is a need for an "alternative offer that must be well planned and attractive" The ZDK also expresses concerns in a press release: "This must not lead to a one-sided policy of displacing the car"

Status: 15.10.2023, 17:21 PM

By: Robin Dittrich


There could soon be more 30 km/h zones. The Central Association of the German Motor Vehicle Industry (ZDK) sees advantages for motorists – but also possible problems.

Munich – With the amendment to the Highway Code, municipalities have significantly more leeway when it comes to speed limits. The Central Association of the German Motor Vehicle Industry (ZDK) fears that motorists could be disadvantaged as a result.

Amendment to the Highway Code: Association sees positive sign

An amendment to the new Road Traffic Act (StVO) was adopted by the cabinet on 11 October. At the two-day conference of transport ministers, in addition to the new regulations, the continuation of the Deutschlandticket was also discussed. However, it has not yet been possible to clarify the financing of the Deutschlandticket for the next few years.

On the other hand, it was decided that the municipalities will soon be able to determine whether new cycle paths or bus lanes are built. 30 km/h zones can also be arranged much more easily, for example at playgrounds, highly frequented school routes, pedestrian crossings and sections of road up to 500 metres between two 30 km/h zones.

New speed limit regulations: Association fears that motorists could be disadvantaged. © BeckerBredel/Imago (symbolic image)

The ZDK welcomed the submitted draft amendment to the StVO. The Central Association also sees it as a positive sign "that the municipalities are given the opportunity to take into account the interests of the different road users in a balanced way according to the specific situation on site." In particular, the climate and environmental protection aspects, which the traffic light government had brought to the fore with the amendment, fell on open ears at the ZDK "in order to be able to further improve the quality of life in the cities."

New speed limit rules of the traffic light government: Are drivers disadvantaged?

In addition to the positive aspects of the adopted amendment to the Highway Code, however, the ZDK also expresses concerns in a press release: "This must not lead to a one-sided policy of displacing the car." According to the report, it becomes particularly problematic "when there are no alternatives." For part of the population, the car remains an irreplaceable means of transport, according to the association: "The ZDK therefore demands a fair balance between the interests of the various road users."

Above all, commuters who have no or only poor access to public transport "must not be affected by driving restrictions or a one-sided increase in the price of motorised private transport." It is therefore demanded that individual mobility continues to be guaranteed and remains affordable. According to the ZDK, cars must not be displaced for the interests of others, but there is a need for an "alternative offer that must be well planned and attractive."

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