The Limited Times

Rock: Europe acclaimed at the Salle Pleyel

10/15/2023, 2:46:06 PM

Highlights: Rock: Europe acclaimed at the Salle Pleyel. The Swedish veterans, authors of the international hit "The Final Countdown", once again gave a concert on Saturday night in Paris. The Paris stage, SallePleyel, of the "Time Capsule 40th Anniversary Tour" is largely sold out on this Saturday evening. The band, arguably the most famous in history, behind Abba, still exist, and fans of solid melodic hard rock know it well. The proof: the Paris stage.

The Swedish veterans, authors of the international hit "The Final Countdown", once again gave a concert on Saturday night in Paris at the

"Europe? The guys who did The Final Countdown? Do they still exist? This is often the reaction you hear around you when you talk about a concert by the Swedish rock band, arguably the most famous in history, behind Abba. Yes, they still exist, and fans of solid melodic hard rock know it well. The proof: the Paris stage, Salle Pleyel, of the "Time Capsule 40th Anniversary Tour" is largely sold out on this Saturday evening.

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