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The Pope, free the hostages, humanitarian corridors in Gaza - Last hour

10/15/2023, 11:04:31 AM

Highlights: The Pope, free the hostages, humanitarian corridors in Gaza - Last hour. "I continue to follow with so much pain what is happening in Israel and Palestine. I think of the little ones and the elderly," he said. Pope Francis relaunched the appeal of the Church of the Holy Land for a day of prayer and fasting for peace. "Prayer is the meek and holy force to oppose the diabolical force of hatred, terrorism and war," the Pope said.

"I continue to follow with great sorrow what is happening in Israel and Palestine. I think of the many, especially the little ones and the elderly. (ANSA)

"I continue to follow with so much pain what is happening in Israel and Palestine. I think of the little ones and the elderly. I renew my call for the release of the hostages and strongly urge that children, the sick, the elderly, women and all civilians are not victims of the conflict. Humanitarian law must be respected, especially in Gaza where it is urgent and necessary to guarantee humanitarian corridors and to help the entire population."
The Pope said this at the Angelus, adding: "Very many have already died, please do not shed more innocent blood either in the Holy Land or in Ukraine or anywhere else. Enough! Wars are always a defeat, always."
Finally, Pope Francis relaunched the appeal of the Church of the Holy Land for a day of prayer and fasting for peace.
"Prayer is the meek and holy force to oppose the diabolical force of hatred, terrorism and war. I invite all believers to join the Church in the Holy Land and to dedicate next Tuesday, October 17, to prayer and fasting."

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