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U.S., Israel reopened water pipes in southern Gaza - Breaking News

10/15/2023, 2:05:43 PM

Highlights: U.S., Israel reopened water pipes in southern Gaza. U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said he had been briefed by Israeli officials. The development came in the last few hours, he said. The water pipes had been closed for nearly a week due to a blockade by Israel and the United States. The blockade has since been lifted. The U.N. Security Council has called for an end to the blockade in the next few days, but no action has been taken so far.

Israel has reopened water pipes in southern Gaza after a blockade that lasted nearly a week. US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan told CNN, reporting that he had been briefed by Israeli officials. (ANSA)

Israel has reopened water pipes in southern Gaza after a blockade that lasted nearly a week. U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan told CNN, reporting that he had been briefed by Israeli officials. The development came in the last few hours, he said.

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