The Limited Times

199 hostages in the hands of Hamas - Last hour

10/16/2023, 9:44:56 AM

Highlights: 199 hostages in the hands of Hamas - Last hour. Israeli army has so far informed the families of 199 hostages in Gaza. This was announced by military spokesman Daniel Hagari, at a press conference. He said Israel is making "a national effort of supreme priority" in this regard, including the use of intelligence information. The army, he added, has soFar informed 295 families of soldiers who have so far fallen in the conflict with Hamas. The hostages are believed to be held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli army has so far informed the families of 199 hostages in Gaza. This was announced by military spokesman Daniel Hagari, at a press conference. (ANSA)

- TEL AVIV, OCTOBER 16 - The Israeli army has so far informed the families of 199 hostages who are in Gaza. This was announced by military spokesman Daniel Hagari, at a press conference. He said Israel is making "a national effort of supreme priority" in this regard, including the use of intelligence information. The army, he added, has so far informed 295 families of soldiers who have so far fallen in the conflict with Hamas.

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