The Limited Times

A spectator replaces a musician at short notice in a Prokofiev symphony

10/16/2023, 2:25:23 PM

Highlights: Scott Deal, an American music teacher, took the stage at a concert of the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra at the end of September. The percussionist of the group had been in a car accident and asked him if he could replace him in Serge Prokofiev's Symphony No. 5. "I agreed even though I was terrified," he says. In reality, the music teacher hasn't played in an orchestra for 17 years. He says: "I never imagined playing an entire symphony with them in public"

The music teacher, who had come to attend the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra concert, was asked to replace a percussionist who had been involved in a car accident.

He was expecting to attend a concert, he ended up participating as a musician. An American music teacher, Scott Deal, took the stage at a concert of the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra at the end of September, reports Radio Classique. The music teacher and percussionist had come to attend the party with his wife. During the overture to Beethoven's Egmont, he received a message on his phone from the conductor of the orchestra. The percussionist of the group had been in a car accident and asked him if he could replace him in Serge Prokofiev's Symphony No. 5.

"I agreed even though I was terrified"

Scott Deal explains that he has never played said song in his life. In reality, the music teacher hasn't played in an orchestra for 17 years. "I agreed when I was terrified," he says. They thought I wore a black suit that was way too big for me, we took advantage of the intermission to go through the score and then... Here we go!


On stage, the musician made a strong impression. "I never imagined playing an entire symphony with them in public," he said, amazed, at the end of the concert.