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From breakfast to dinner: The six most popular egg dishes in the world

10/16/2023, 11:58:08 AM

Highlights: From breakfast to dinner: The six most popular egg dishes in the world. From savory omelets to sweet desserts like tiramisu, eggs are an essential part of many culinary cultures. Simply Tasty presents six of the most popular Egg dishes from different parts of the world, from Chinese eggflake soup to French omelette. The world of egg dishes is far more diverse than fried or scrambled eggs, as shown in the recipes below. More delicious recipes, creative cooking ideas and tips can be found on our new Whatsapp channel.

Status: 16.10.2023, 13:42 PM

By: Anna Yakusheva


When it comes to eggs, one often thinks of classic methods of preparation such as fried or scrambled eggs. Simply Tasty shows that the world of egg dishes is far more diverse.

Eggs are an extremely versatile food that is appreciated in the kitchen worldwide. From savory omelets to sweet desserts like tiramisu, eggs are an essential part of many culinary cultures. In this collection of recipes, Simply Tasty presents six of the most popular egg dishes from different parts of the world.

Egg dishes in different recipes: 1. Chinese Egg Flake Soup

Egg drop soup is a classic Chinese dish that is easy to prepare, inexpensive, and extremely delicious. You can enjoy them as an appetizer or light lunch. The name "Egg Drop" comes from the fact that the soup is made from raw eggs that are dripped into the hot broth. Einfach Tasty has also already tested the so-called Egg Drop Sandwich – a trendy creation from Korea.

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More delicious recipes, creative cooking ideas and tips can be found on our new Whatsapp channel. Click here to go directly to the canal.

TikTok creator vernahungrybanana, who regularly posts Asian recipe ideas, shows how to make a classic Chinese eggflake soup:

These are the ingredients you need for Chinese eggflake soup according to the example of the TikToker:

  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tbsp cornstarch or flour
  • 2-3 tbsp water
  • 1 l chicken broth
  • 3 tbsp spring onions, finely chopped
  • 1 tbsp sesame oil
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of white pepper

The preparation is simple and quick:

  • Place the eggs in a bowl and whisk thoroughly.
  • In a separate bowl, combine cornstarch and water until an even mixture is formed.
  • Heat the chicken broth in a saucepan and then add two tablespoons of the chopped green onions and the cornstarch and water mixture to the warmed broth and bring to a boil.
  • Add sesame oil, white pepper, and salt to round out the flavor. Reduce the heat and pour the previously beaten eggs into the soup. Garnish with the remaining spring onions.
  • Ready. Enjoy your meal!
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    2. Çilbir – Turkish Eggs

    Çilbir is Turkey's answer to American Eggs Benedict. Here is the recipe for eggs with yogurt and chili. © Simply Tasty

    No, this is not the famous American Eggs Benedict. Although there are similarities, yogurt is used instead of hollandaise sauce. Turkish eggs, also known as "çilbir," are a delicious Turkish breakfast dish made from poached eggs on Greek yogurt with garlic and a chili butter sauce.

    Delicious Simply Tasty recipe videos in a continuous loop directly to your own smartphone are available thanks to the free Green Feed from Xymatic. Try it out now and start scrolling.

    3. French omelette

    The mushroom omelette with brie and baby spinach – a delicious and easy vegetarian recipe. © Simply Tasty

    We're sticking with breakfast creations. A classic of French cuisine is the cheese omelette, also known as "omelette au fromage". The preparation may seem simple at first glance, but it requires some tact. Because instead of frying it until golden brown like a conventional omelette and folding it once, it is rolled like a pancake. The addition of herbs and cheese makes it taste particularly good. All cheese lovers can also try the mushroom omelette with melt-in-the-mouth brie and fresh baby spinach salad.

    4. German Senfeier from grandma's kitchen

    Senfeier with boiled potatoes – a delicious recipe classic of German cuisine. © Simply Tasty

    Senfeier have their origins in traditional German cuisine. It is a hearty dish made from eggs in mustard sauce and often served in combination with boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes. In addition, senfeier in a jar are also a popular option for finger food. Perhaps the Senfeier will bring back nostalgic memories of childhood for some, when they were prepared by grandma.

    5. Fried Russian eggs – an eye-catcher on every plate

    A crunchy finger food classic: deep-fried Russian eggs. A perfect appetizer for special occasions. © Simply Tasty

    Fried Russian eggs, a traditional Russian dish, are great as an appetizer or side dish for special occasions due to their appealing appearance. They consist of hard-boiled eggs filled with a spicy mixture of egg yolks, mayonnaise, mustard, crème fraîche, salt, pepper and chili powder. The eggs are then breaded and deep-fried until golden brown. The result – a delicious combination of creamy filling and crispy breading.

    6. North African Egg Dish: Shakshuka

    Shakshuka – the recipe for poached eggs in a spicy tomato sauce. © Simply Tasty

    Now comes an egg creation that will delight all tomato fans. Shakshuka is a traditional dish from Middle Eastern cuisine made from poached eggs in a spicy tomato sauce. This delicious mix is not only delicious, but also versatile and even vegetarian. You can enjoy it as breakfast, brunch or even as a quick dinner. Shakshuka tastes best when served with fresh flatbread or pita.

    Eggs, which offer so many possibilities in the kitchen, are undoubtedly a true all-rounder. At the same time, the correct preparation of eggs can have a significant impact on the final result of the dishes. To jump into the world of delicious egg dishes, you should make sure you know everything there is to know about cooking eggs. If you can't get enough of delicious recipe ideas anyway, you should sign up for the Einfach Tasty newsletter to stay up to date.

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