The Limited Times

Head in the stars with the Ensemble Intercontemporain

10/16/2023, 2:06:11 PM

Highlights: The Ensemble Intercontemporain performed Gérard Grisey's "Acoustic Spaces" A journey from raw sound to cultured sound, the journey follows a trajectory that is easy for the audience to spot. The gradual increase in the number of instrumentals transforms the concert into a real staging, in which humour is not absent. It's as spectacular as it is profound, as sensual as it was intellectual, as organized as it's natural. A work of... this article is for subscribers only.

REVIEW - At the Philharmonie de Paris, the group performed Gérard Grisey's "Acoustic Spaces". A sensual and intellectual work.

What a trip! For an hour and three-quarters, Gérard Grisey's Acoustic Spaces takes us very far. First of all, at the heart of sound, of which this travelling companion of spectral music explores all the resources by breaking down the elements to better reconstruct them with the help of instruments alone. In the heart of time, then, because this journey, even if he wanted to, could not hide its mystical dimension, to the point of bewitchment.

From raw sound to cultured sound, the journey follows a trajectory that is easy for the audience to spot: starting with a solo viola (Odile Auboin), continued by 7, then 18 and 33 musicians successively emerging from the darkness, the journey culminates in apotheosis with a large orchestra of 90 musicians.

" READ ALSORugby: after France-South Africa, the Philharmonie de Paris takes out the violins

At the crossroads

It's as spectacular as it is profound, as sensual as it is intellectual, as organized as it is natural. And theatrical, as the gradual increase in the number of instrumentals transforms the concert into a real staging, in which humour is not absent. A work of...

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