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A hero in his life and death: The family of Amichai Rubin chose to donate his organs - and enabled a complicated "domino" procedure | Israel Hayom

10/17/2023, 3:46:55 PM

Highlights: A hero in his life and death: The family of Amichai Rubin chose to donate his organs - and enabled a complicated "domino" procedure. Rubin, who charged at terrorists in the envelope, was wounded, continued to fight and was wounded again. After doctors were forced to pronounce him brain dead, his family donated his liver to Aviel Ouzan, 23, who donated a liver to Cosiner Armand, 63. The two thanked the Rubin family for their nobility of soul and added: "We embrace them in their heavy grief and cry together with them"

Rubin, who charged at terrorists in the envelope, was wounded, continued to fight and was wounded again • After doctors were forced to pronounce him brain dead, his family donated his liver to Aviel Ouzan, 23, who donated his liver in the same procedure to Cosiner Armand, 63 • The two thanked the Rubin family for their nobility of soul and added: "We embrace them in their heavy grief and cry together with them"

An organ transplant using the "domino" method took place today (Tuesday) at Ichilov Hospital. The first donor who enabled the move that saved the lives of two people was Amichai Rubin, 23, who was among the first forces to storm and return fire on the terrorists who entered an outpost near the Gaza border.

Rubin charged at the terrorists, killed many of them, and saved his comrades. During the battle he was wounded in the leg but continued to fight valiantly. During the bout, he was wounded by a bullet to the head, which also damaged his brain, but Rubin managed to continue fighting for another 20 minutes.

The Domino procedure was made possible thanks to the donation of the organs of the late fighter Amichai Rubin // Tali Arad, Ichilov Spokesperson's Office

When rescuers arrived, he was evacuated to Hadassah Ein Kerem unconscious, and on Tuesday a week ago, a team of doctors pronounced him brain dead and his family chose to donate his organs.

Saved their lives

Aviel Ouzan, 23, suffers from an inherited metabolic disease (maple syrup syndrome) from infancy. The disease stems from a lack of enzymes that break down a certain type of amino acids found in many dietary proteins, which the body is unable to break down. This syndrome can cause damage to the brain and other organs to the point of death.

As he lay in his hospital bed surrounded by his parents, David Ozan and Limor Dekel, he found it difficult to speak from the excitement that gripped him. "We know that the donor is a soldier who was killed in the war and his noble family chose to donate his organs," says mother Limor. "Aviel also received a liver and donated a liver. There was a domino transplant. Transplanting at a time like this, under missiles and under threats, I didn't know where we were going, is putting a problem into the problem, but thank God today after a week he feels much better," and Aviel adds: "I feel great," and tears of relief and excitement stream down his face.

"Thank you to the family members who showed nobility"

Cusiner Armand, 63, suffers from hepatitis C. He underwent biological and chemical treatments, but only a liver transplant could save his life.

"About three months ago, Prof. Nir Lubetzky, Director of the Department of Liver, Pancreas and Transplant Surgery at the Ichilov Surgical Division, told me that there is a window of opportunity to perform liver transplantation using the domino method. The team explained that I would receive a donation from a young man with a metabolic disease, when his liver could work for me. They explained all aspects and I agreed, and last Tuesday the transplant team in Ichilov called me, while I was at home in shelled Ashkelon, and told me that I had found a liver for transplantation and that the domino transplant could be performed."

Robin fought the terrorists until he could no longer. Building set on fire by terrorists in Kibbutz Be'eri (archive), photo: Oren Ben Hakon

Now, when they are hospitalized in Ichilov in the transplant ward room by room, they are excited and take care of each other.

"I hope I come out of this story like a big one," Armand says through tears of relief and excitement. "I hope the guy who donated to me too," and they both add: "We thank the soldier's family for showing nobility at this difficult time and saving our lives. We embrace them in their heavy grief and cry together with them."

Amichai Rubin, 23, is the third son of Yishai and Batya Rubin, one of the founders of the Courage nucleus in Acre. From an early age he was a partner in action and giving, humble and humble, a brother and a very beloved friend who were all happy to be with him. He is survived by his parents, and seven brothers and sisters.

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