The Limited Times

A mural for Gigi Riva at the Amsicora stadium - Football

10/17/2023, 2:38:09 PM

Highlights: A mural for Gigi Riva at the Amsicora stadium. The initial idea of creating a statue in honor of Cagliari's bomber par excellence has been shelved for the moment. The work is created by the Skizzo Cooperative of San Gavino under the artistic direction of the painter Giorgio Casu. The inauguration, preceded by a presentation and debate, is scheduled for Sunday 22 October at 18.15 pm. All rights reserved by ANSA.

A mural for Gigi Riva at the Amsicora stadium (ANSA)

The initial idea of creating a statue in honor of Cagliari's bomber par excellence, Gigi Riva, has been shelved for the moment but the initiatives of the Committee 'A statue for Gigi Riva' do not stop and have decided to have a mural depicting the deeds of Rombo di Tuono made at the entrance of the Amsicora Stadium, right where Cagliari won the historic Scudetto in the 1969/70 season.
"Given the bureaucratic impediments and the prolongation of the responses from the Ministry of the Interior on the derogation from Law 1188 on the construction in the square in front of the Ex Lazzaretto di Sant'Elia of the statue dedicated to the Cagliari champion - explain the Committee - we have decided to vary the intentions present in its Statute and to create the same image of Riva's powerful left-footed kick in the form of a mural 5 by 6 meters. The image will be placed in a private concession area at the entrance to the Amsicora.
The work is created by the Skizzo Cooperative of San Gavino under the artistic direction of the painter Giorgio Casu. Citizens are invited to participate."
The inauguration, preceded by a presentation and debate, is scheduled for Sunday 22 October at 18.15 pm. "The undertaking that we wanted to complete with this work - explains the president of the Committee, Pietro Porcella - bypasses the political games and bureaucratic impediments that could have pushed us to desist, and is a true expression of popular initiative without intervening on public or private funds. Here we are rewarding a man and a champion of high honour for Italy, who has always preserved the true values of social and sporting ethics and loyalty to the city of Cagliari and Sardinia".

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