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Horseback ride with a dramatic twist: Fire brigade rescues horse from difficult situation

10/17/2023, 1:38:10 PM

Highlights: Horseback ride with a dramatic twist: Fire brigade rescues horse from difficult situation. Fire brigades are called out from time to time to large animal rescues. This is what happened to the Mettmann fire brigade in North Rhine-Westphalia. In the end, the rider was able to receive his beloved animal safely, and the horse was finally back on its four hooves. You can find even more exciting animal topics in's free partner newsletter, which you can subscribe to right here.

Status: 17.10.2023, 15:30 PM

By: Lara-Sabrina Kiehl


Last weekend, a horse fell into a dried-up creek bed during a ride. For the local fire brigade, a demanding operation followed.

Fire brigades are called out from time to time to large animal rescues, where they assist four-legged friends in distress and sometimes even save their lives. This is what happened to the Mettmann fire brigade in North Rhine-Westphalia recently when they were called to a particularly demanding operation in which a horse had fallen into a dried-up creek bed and urgently needed help.

Horseback ride for the weekend takes a dramatic turn

For the firefighters, rescuing the horse was time-consuming, but in the end everything turned out well. © Mettmann Fire Brigade (Press Portal)

A peaceful ride at the start of the weekend suddenly came to a dramatic end in a wooded area above the Meisenburg in Mettmann Metzkausen when a rider and his horse got into trouble at around 15:04 p.m. The Mettmann fire brigade was called and also had to request the support of the Düsseldorf professional fire brigade to rescue the animal and its owner from a precarious situation.

The incident occurred when the rider's horse went off the path and slid with its hind legs into a temporarily dried up creek bed. The animal was unable to free itself on its own, and the owner's desperate attempt to help his horse was unsuccessful. The only option, after two hours had already passed, was to ask the fire brigade for help.

You can find even more exciting animal topics in's free partner newsletter, which you can subscribe to right here.

Rescue difficult, but in the end everything turns out well

Rescuing the horse also proved to be extremely tricky for the firefighters, not only because of the enormous weight of the animal, but also because of the vast and rough terrain that the rescuers had to overcome. Fortunately, an experienced veterinarian was called in for assistance, who sedated the horse sufficiently to allow for a safe rescue.


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With the help of a tripod and lifting harness, it was finally possible to free the horse after more than three hours of operation. In the end, the rider was able to receive his beloved animal safely, and the horse was finally back on its four hooves. In total, more than 30 emergency personnel were on site to successfully complete this difficult rescue operation.

This article was created with machine assistance and carefully reviewed by editor Lara Kiehl before publication.