The Limited Times

Me vs. You, Our Funny Dracula vs. Fear - Cinema

10/17/2023, 1:36:26 PM

Highlights: Me vs. You, Our Funny Dracula vs. Fear - Cinema. 'Vacanze in Transilvania' is released on the 19th. 'Takings? We don't think about it' (ANSA). Avoid being overwhelmed by fear, and the world becoming a dark and sad place. In this film there is also the generational confrontation between parents and children, with Count Dracula and his daughter, who despite having two very different visions of the world find a way to understand each other.

'Vacanze in Transilvania' is released on the 19th. 'Takings? We don't think about it' (ANSA)

Avoid being overwhelmed by fear, and the world becoming a dark and sad place. This is the mission that Luì (Luigi Calagna) and Sofì (Sofia Scalia), the Me contro te, carry out with the usual dynamic style designed for children, including adventures, mini mysteries, bogeymen, laughter, songs, dances, good feelings, comedy and slapstick, in the fifth film of the duo's fantasy comedy saga, Me contro Te The Movie - Vacanze in Transilvania by Gianluca Leuzzi, to be released on October 19 by Warner Bros. "We try to tell very current issues in a light way - say the Me contro te to ANSA -. In fact, in this film there is also the generational confrontation between parents and children, with Count Dracula and his daughter, who despite having two very different visions of the world find a way to understand each other. Then we talk about the fears that each of us should try to overcome and the friendship, which accompanies us in all the chapters of this saga." Another theme - adds Gianluca Leuzzi, who directed all the Me contro te films and their series on Prime Video - is that of diversity seen as a value".

The couple (on stage and in life), beloved by the little ones (they will celebrate 2024 years since their debut on Youtube in 10), premiered the film in Rome among thousands of very young fans, who have already filled the theaters for the four previous chapters, released between 2020 and early 2023, for total takings of about 23 million euros. Many expect that the takings from this fifth adventure will help to revive the box office of Italian films: "The others have entrusted us with this task that we did not want - says Calagna smiling in the press conference - Obviously we are super proud and very happy with the results, we hope they continue". The story of Me Contro te The Movie - Holidays in Transylvania (produced by Warner Bros. Entertainment Italia, Colorado Film and Me contro te) starts in the abandoned laboratory of Mr. S (Pierpaolo Zizzi), where Viperiana (Martina Palmitesta), Perfidia (Antonella Carone) and the Malefics are concocting an evil plan to destroy the Me Contro Te and the whole world. To make it happen, however, they need the diamond of fears that is hidden in the Castle of Count Dracula (Angelo Donato Colombo) in Transylvania. Sofì, Luì, Chicco (Nicola Pavese) and the other friends leave for the land of the vampire, where they will find an ally in the Count's daughter, Shadow (Amy Boda). This time "the challenge was to make a film set in a 'scary' and at the same time funny context. We hope we succeeded, Count Dracula is one of the funniest characters in history," comments Sofia Scalia. "The first film was a sort of big chapter of what we were doing on the web, but now in the cinema we give space to new characters, to new locations, to find new stimuli and always be able to reach a new audience," explains the duo. Here, among the main sources of inspiration for the story "there were Scooby Doo, the Addams Family, Frankenstein Jr" and "I immediately thought of a manga like Darryl Prince of Monsters" Leuzzi points out. In ten years of activity, the relationship with their audience has changed:

"Our first fans are now teenagers - says Calagna with a smile - Our mission remains to entertain and above all to tell stories, from the web to cinema to TV, where with the series (on Prime Video, Me contro te - The Royal Family, for which a second season has already been announced) we use more a sitcom language". Compared to the beginning, "now children, through social networks. they are also very interested in our lives, our homes, our friends," says Sofia Scalia. Are you afraid that your 'phenomenon' may run out? "It's not something that scares us," he adds. We never imagined we would achieve these results, it all happened gradually, we built our path slowly, we are aware that we are the architects of our own destiny".

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