The Limited Times

Nasty pests in the bedroom: Effectively fight bed bugs

10/17/2023, 5:29:41 PM

Highlights: Bed bugs are flat, oval-shaped insects that are active at night and feed on human blood. During the day, they hide in crevices, cracks and seams of mattresses, furniture and wallpaper. They are difficult to detect and can quickly develop into a nuisance if they are not detected and combated in time. The best way to prevent bed bugs is regularly to clean your sleeping area and inspect your furniture and bedding. A professional pest controller can use chemical insecticides to get rid of bed bugs. Steam cleaners can kill their eggs. Baking soda can spread on carpets and dry out the furniture.

Status: 17.10.2023, 19:16 PM

By: Simone Jung


Controlling bed bugs can be challenging. Here are helpful tips and home remedies to combat these pesky parasites.

Bed bugs are annoying parasites that hide in beds and living spaces and bother residents mainly at night. Unfortunately, they are difficult to detect and can quickly develop into a nuisance if they are not detected and combated in time. But how do you recognize bed bugs? And above all: How do you get rid of them?

How do you recognize bed bugs - and where do they come from?

Bed bugs are flat, oval-shaped insects that are active at night and feed on human blood. During the day, they hide in crevices, cracks and seams of mattresses, furniture and wallpaper. Bed bugs are very good survivors and can go months without food.

Recognizing the nasty pests can be a real challenge, as they hide well and usually only appear at night. Here are some signs to look out for:

  • Bed bug bites: The bites of the tiny insects can be itchy and are often arranged in a line or group. Often they resemble mosquito bites, but are smaller and usually have a red dot in the middle.
  • Bloodstains: If you notice blood stains on your sheets or mattress covers, it could be a sign of bed bug infestation, as they can leave drops of blood behind after eating.
  • Small black spots: This can be bed bug droppings, which are made up of digested blood. You can find these stains on mattresses or bedding.
  • Moulting sheaths: Bed bugs go through several moults as they grow. These stripped skin remnants are found in the hiding places of nocturnal insects.
  • Smell: A sweet, musty smell may indicate bed bugs.

How to treat bed bug bites?

Usually, they are not dangerous, but they can cause unpleasant symptoms. Here are some tips for relieving bed bug bites:

  • Keep clean: Clean the affected areas thoroughly with soap and water to prevent infection.
  • Cool: A cold poultice or ice can reduce itching and swelling.
  • Antihistamines: Over-the-counter antihistamines can relieve itching and pain.
  • Corticosteroid creams: An over-the-counter corticosteroid cream can also help with itching.


The nocturnal insects are flat, oval and reddish-brown. Females grow between 4 and 8.5 millimeters in size, the smaller males reach a size of about 6.5 millimeters. The wingless insects have a life expectancy of about six months.

Origin: Originally, bed bugs come from burrows where they use bats as hosts. However, over time, they have adapted to humans and are now common worldwide.


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Combating bed bugs sustainably

Fighting bed bugs often requires professional help, as the tiny insects are stubbornly hiding. Here are some steps you can take:

  • Cleaning and washing: Wash all bedding, curtains and clothes at a high temperature. Vacuum mattresses and furniture thoroughly.
  • Chemical Treatment: A professional pest controller can use chemical insecticides to get rid of bed bugs.
  • Heat treatment: An alternative method of controlling bed bugs is to heat the infested rooms to temperatures above 45 degrees Celsius to kill the bed bugs.

Do you have bed bugs? Simple home remedies drive away the vermin.* © Simone Jung/DALL-E

Declare war on bed bugs with four effective home remedies

With simple home remedies, you can get rid of annoying bed bugs.

  • Steam cleaning: Steam cleaners can kill bed bugs and their eggs.
  • Diatomaceous earth: Sprinkle diatomaceous earth in affected areas. This fine powder kills bed bugs by destroying their protective outer shell.
  • Lavender oil: Lavender oil has a strong odor that can deter bed bugs.
  • Baking powder: Baking soda can be spread on carpets and furniture to dry out the bed bugs.

And if you have to deal with annoying fruit flies, it's best to use vinegar to fight the pests.

Targeted prevention of bed bug infestation

The best way to prevent bed bugs is to regularly clean and inspect your sleeping area. Here are some tips:

  • Inspection of second-hand furniture: Buy used furniture only from trusted sources and inspect it carefully.
  • Avoid collecting rubbish: Keep your home clean and tidy to minimize hiding places for bed bugs.
  • Use protective covers: Mattress and pillowcases with zippers can prevent bed bugs from entering.
  • Travel: When traveling, inspect your hotel room for signs of bed bugs and don't keep your luggage on the floor.

Bed bugs can be an annoying nuisance, but with timely detection and proper control and prevention measures, you can keep your home safe. If you suspect you have bed bugs, do not hesitate to seek professional help to effectively address the problem.

*Editor Simone Jung wrote this article using applications based on artificial intelligence (AI).

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