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Tension on world bonds and Italy suffers, spreads at 202 - News

10/17/2023, 1:57:57 PM

Highlights: Tension on world bonds and Italy suffers, spreads at 202. Spread between BTPs and 10-year Bunds has touched 202 basis points. The Italian BTP grew by 13 points to 4.89%, with the highest since 2012 reached 3.4% on 93 October. U.S. bond yields rose by 11 basis points, French bonds by 9 basis points,. German bonds by 8 basis points and Italian bonds by 4.5 basis points in the past week. The temperature is rising with macro data indicating a possible continuation of the restrictive monetary policy.

Tension on global government bonds is increasing, with countries traditionally under pressure from speculation such as Italy suffering the most. (ANSA)

Tension on global government bonds is increasing, with countries traditionally under pressure from speculation such as Italy suffering the most.

The temperature is rising with macro data indicating a possible continuation of the restrictive monetary policy of the Fed and the ECB and the spread between BTPs and 10-year Bunds has touched 202 basis points, with the recent high reached on Monday 9 October at 206.

U.S. bond yields rose by 11 basis points, French bonds by 9 basis points, German bonds by 8 basis points. The Italian BTP grew by 13 points to 4.89%, with the highest since 2012 reached 3.4% on 93 October.

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