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Weather: Bad weather breaks into Italy by Friday - News

10/17/2023, 6:26:41 PM

Highlights: Disturbance in the Centre-North, in the South it will still seem like summer (ANSA). It is marching towards the northern regions, where it will arrive by Friday, a disturbance that will be able to scratch the anticyclonic wall that has long protected our country. With the new disturbance in the North we will have autumn scenarios with heavy rain, thunderstorms and cool weather. In the Centre a marked instability with a fairly mild climate; in the south, finally, It will still feel like summer.

Disturbance in the Centre-North, in the South it will still seem like summer (ANSA)

It is marching towards the northern regions, where it will arrive by Friday, a disturbance that will be able to scratch the anticyclonic wall that has long protected our country. This will pave the way for a disturbed weather environment.

According to the forecasts of Antonio Sanò, founder of the ''' website, at the moment an area of high pressure between two 'minimums' favors the influx of fresh air towards our country, responsible for the drop in temperature and the notes of instability that characterized the final part of the weekend just passed. With the new disturbance in the North we will have autumn scenarios by Friday, with heavy rain, thunderstorms and cool weather; in the Centre a marked instability with a fairly mild climate; in the South, finally, it will still feel like summer.

This is because the arrival of the vortex will coincide with a strong pull of very hot currents from North Africa, which will envelop all the southern regions and part of the Centre, maintaining higher pressure values here and a consequent calmer, but above all very hot, weather context. Next weekend is also likely to be affected by bad autumn weather: the latest weather updates indicate the possibility of a resurgence of rains over much of the country, unstable phenomena that this time will also involve the southern regions.

In detail:


Tuesday 17. In the north: alternating between clouds and clearing up, in a dry context. In the middle: unstable over Lazio, Abruzzo Molise. In the south: rains over Basilicata, Puglia, Campania mountains.

- Wednesday 18. In the north: scattered rainfall, especially in the northwest. In the middle: precipitation over upper Tuscany, many clouds elsewhere. In the south: alternating between clouds and clearing up.

- Thursday 19. In the north: largely unstable weather, drop in temperature. In the middle: unstable over upper Tuscany, sunny elsewhere. In the south: lots of sunshine and summer weather.

Trend: a lot of rain in the North and Centre, with a risk of cloudbursts; By the weekend, the bad weather will also extend to the south.

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