The Limited Times

7 decrees before the manoeuvre, risk of traffic jam - News

10/18/2023, 5:45:20 PM

Highlights: 7 decrees before the manoeuvre, risk of traffic jam - Majority worried about the funnel that risks being created with parliamentary work. Many of these will expire between mid-November and early December. Next week the President is expected to communicate on the Budget bill that will be assigned to the 5th Standing Committee in the referent session and to the other Committees in the consultative session in the Senate. And that's when the budget session begins. The decree containing urgent measures in economic and fiscal matters, in favor of local authorities, to protect work, signed today by the Head of State.

Majority worried about the funnel that risks being created with parliamentary work (ANSA)

The majority is worried about the funnel that is likely to be created by parliamentary work. There are still 7 decrees that need to be converted into law before the start of the budget session and many of these will expire between mid-November and early December. And the budget session is just around the corner. In fact, next week the President is expected to communicate on the Budget bill that will be assigned to the 5th Standing Committee in the referent session and to the other Committees in the consultative session in the Senate. And that's when the budget session begins.

The decrees that have yet to be converted into law are the one on air quality and road traffic restrictions; the one on the fight against youth hardship and juvenile crime (Caivano Decree); the one on cohesion policies and the South; the one on energy and the protection of savings; the one that contains urgent provisions on the extension of regulatory deadlines and tax payments; the one on migrants. Added to these is the decree containing urgent measures in economic and fiscal matters, in favor of local authorities, to protect work, signed today by the Head of State and assigned to Palazzo Madama.

In turn, the bills whose parliamentary process has already started are followed, such as those that provide for the establishment of Commissions of Inquiry into the management of Covid and the cases of Emanuela Orlandi and Mirella Gregori, already approved by the Chamber. Or like the reform of the statute of limitations, now being examined by the Montecitorio Justice Commission, which would be expected in the Chamber on October 27, but which, according to majority sources, could also be further delayed due to FI's doubts.

Then, the communications of the President of the Council are expected in view of the European Council meeting on 26 and 27 October 2023. And the reforms of criminal justice, on differentiated autonomy and the 2022 annual law for the market and competition are also in the pipeline, for examination by the competent committees.

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