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Do you have to work if your pet is sick? What options you have

10/18/2023, 3:35:30 PM

Highlights: Do you have to work if your pet is sick? What options you have. If the child is in bed with a fever and a runny nose, parents are entitled to paid time off. Although pets are not legally considered to be full members of the family, animal welfare is of great importance in Germany. Employers cannot force their employees into the office if they knowingly put the life of an animal at risk. The regulations on animal welfare clearly stipulate that medical care for the furry noses must be ensured.

Status: 18.10.2023, 17:30 p.m.


If the child is in bed with a fever and a runny nose, parents are entitled to paid time off. In the case of sick pets, the situation is somewhat different.

Pets are loyal companions that enrich our lives with joy and love. But like any family member, they can get sick. Unfortunately, dogs, cats and co. can't tell us what they're missing. This makes it all the more important to go to the veterinarian in good time so that the furry noses can be treated in a targeted manner. However, this is easier said than done: Usually, veterinary practices are open just when most employees have to work. Many pet owners therefore ask themselves the question: Can I take time off if my four-legged friend is sick?

Leaving the sick dog alone? This is out of the question for many owners. © IMAGO

Pet sick: This is what the German legal situation looks like

If you are sick yourself, report sick to your employer and recover at home. If the child falls ill, the parents are also entitled to paid time off. According to § 45 of the Social Security Code (SGB) V, persons with statutory health insurance receive sickness benefit "if it is necessary according to a medical certificate that they are absent from work in order to supervise, care for or care for their sick and insured child". The entitlement is valid for a maximum of ten working days per calendar year and child, and for single parents for a maximum of twenty working days.

But what does the legal situation actually look like for pets? Unfortunately, our furry companions are not considered family members before the law. For this reason, there are no special sick days in Germany if the pet gets sick. This may be incomprehensible to owners – after all, Bello and Co. are very much an important and full-fledged part of the family. In some cases, they also serve as a substitute for children or partners. But there are other ways and means to care for sick animals.

Pet sick: what to do in an emergency

First and foremost, keep a cool head. It is possible that your furry friend is only suffering from digestive problems because he ate too much the day before. Then you don't have to rush to the vet right away, you can wait until after work. In other cases, however, there may be a serious illness behind it that should be treated as soon as possible. In an acute emergency, every second counts. For example, if the dog has swallowed a bone that is too large, it can choke on it.

In these exceptional situations, the health of your four-legged friend should of course come first. Contact your supervisor and explain the situation. As long as you keep your boss in the picture and make up for the missed hours, it shouldn't be a problem that you're absent from work during the vet visit.

Animal welfare vs. labor law: What you need to consider

Although pets are not legally considered to be full members of the family, animal welfare is of great importance in Germany. Employers cannot force their employees into the office if they knowingly put the life of an animal at risk. The regulations on animal welfare clearly stipulate that medical care for the furry noses must be ensured.


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So if no one else can take care of the sick or injured animal, it can be "impossible" for employees to show up for work for animal welfare reasons, says Barbara Reinhard, a specialist lawyer for labor law and member of the labor law working group of the German Bar Association. "The balancing of interests between the interests of the animal and the interests of the employer can lead to me being allowed to stay at home." In these situations, it is important to contact the employer as soon as possible and to bring the animal to the veterinarian's office in a verifiable manner. Then there would be no threat of a warning.

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Pet sick: When can you stay at home?

Once the acute emergency has passed, you should go back to work. Depending on the case of illness, however, the animal must continue to be cared for, for example if medication has to be administered regularly. Ideally, you should have someone in your family or circle of friends who can take care of the sick pet.

If this is not possible, talk to your supervisor and explain the situation to him. An accommodating boss will probably give you a few days off without pay – provided you make up for the missed hours. You can also ask to work from home during these days if your job allows it. This way, you can take care of your pet without missing out on any working days.