The Limited Times

Since October 7th, everything has changed: the national treatment we are undergoing as a people - voila! health

10/18/2023, 2:47:25 PM

Highlights: Since October 7th, everything has changed: the national treatment we are undergoing as a people - voila! health. The same people who, until two weeks ago, were on the verge of civil war in the streets, are now joining forces to fight a cruel enemy and are willing to sacrifice their lives for the State of Israel. The structure of a nation is also a derivative of events that have been ingrained in it over thousands of years and have left an eternal imprint on it. The percentage of Jews in the world population is 0.2% (about 15.2 million people), while the share of Jews who won the Nobel Prize in the four scientific-research fields is 22%.

Just two weeks ago, we were on the verge of civil war. Then, on one black Saturday, everything changed. But from the great and unimaginable pain, we, as a people, have an opportunity to grow to heights we have not yet known

Our collective national memory is etched with stories of heroism that will forever accompany us. Soldiers Going to Defend the State of Israel / Reuven Castro

A person's personality is a derivative of the genes he inherited and the early relationships and memories he instilled from childhood to adulthood. The personality profile is fixed and includes: self-confidence, deprivations, ways of thinking and conducting, ability to control the pressure of thoughts, resistance to anxiety, ego functions, values and personality norms in the form of superego, libido, urges and impulses, perfectionism, diverse personal compulsions and more.

We once pretended to think that in dynamic, personal and long-term psychological therapy, it is possible to correct childhood experiences and change the personality structure of a patient . We hoped that a quality therapist could, under a strong therapeutic alliance, be a parental substitute, build self-confidence, dramatically change patterns of thinking and behavior.

"The same people who, until two weeks ago, were on the verge of civil war in the streets, are now joining forces to fight a cruel enemy and are willing to sacrifice their lives for the State of Israel. Blood is thicker than water."

Today we got off Olympus a bit. In quality therapy, first of all a person is taught to like himself for his advantages and disadvantages, as a whole; Know and understand that disadvantages can sometimes be advantages. Weakness is strength; Sensitivity, humanity and vulnerability are a source of strength. We can learn to change automatic patterns that were built-in classical conditioning for modes of action; Raise threshold of irritation and eruption; Take a breath and do self-sedation; not to react spontaneously and immediately; Knowing that building is hard, but destroying is possible in an instant; Words have the power to kill. We can learn to change defense mechanisms; Be more rounded and flexible in thinking and less rigid. We can learn to listen and hear, not just to hear; Let a conversation with us be a dialogue, not an archaic monologue. learning not to be black or white; Identify more colors in the personal and environmental spectrum. Do not exhaust ourselves and our environment; be less dramatic; Accept the other; get a different opinion; Learn to enjoy peace and quiet. Constant storms and dramas are not a necessity only because otherwise, in his opinion, the person is boring.

This is exactly how the personality of a people is. The structure of a nation is also a derivative of events that have been ingrained in it over thousands of years and have left an eternal imprint on it. It is also a derivative of the smart and sophisticated Jewish gene. Life is more complex and challenging for smart people. It's easier to be simple and opinionless. But this is not what we are dealing with. The percentage of Jews in the world population is 0.2% (about 15.2 million people), while the share of Jews who won the Nobel Prize in the four scientific-research fields is 22% (204 out of 919).

Jumped on a grenade to save his beloved. Neta Epstein z"l/Documentation on social networks according to section 27A of the Copyright Law

Our advantages as a people are also our disadvantages - excessive opinionation, stubbornness, difficulty learning from the memory of the past, thinking of the individual that he is right and has a monopoly on wisdom and society. From the same place where we survived 2,000 years of exile, because we did not give up being a people of choice, from the exact same place we also quarreled. The same people who, until two weeks ago, were on the verge of civil war in the streets, are now joining forces to fight a cruel enemy and are willing to sacrifice their lives for the State of Israel. Blood is thicker than water. The eternity of Israel will never lie. We are a people of choice and with virtue. We are proud to belong to such a unique, complex and special nation - even if sometimes a little complicated.

The people who showed strength and daring during the difficult days

From October 7th, nothing will be as before. Nothing happened in the life of the heartbroken but breathing nation. Our collective national memory is etched with stories of heroism that will forever accompany us.

Yesterday we watched two impressive women, the modern version of Deborah, Yocheved or Yael; We marveled at their heroism.

Or Zuk, 27, from the village of Gaza who, 12 days after they were massacred by the terrorists, buried both her parents. She is not religious, but she is Jewish and finds it difficult to withhold her dead. Instead of sitting down and writing a eulogy for her parents, Or, the salt of the earth who, with her firm words and penetrating gaze, looked directly at the camera, as if speaking to the white in the eyes of every viewer at home, and said: "I came here to put an end to the murderers. It happened now on the kibbutz where I was born and tomorrow it will happen in Tel Aviv, Ramat Hasharon and Ra'anana. Please listen to me, no one is protected." She concluded her plea: "Please let me go back and rebuild the burnt and bloody kibbutz that was desecrated by Hamas. I am a third generation, my grandparents established a beautiful kibbutz from Holot. I have a house with sea view. You'll interview me in another year on the kibbutz." One eye did not remain dry.

We also listened to Irene Shavit, the spouse of the late Neta Epstein, from Kfar Gaza, who presented her wedding dress, but instead will wear black for Shabbat shiva on her beloved. We fell in love with her when she told their love story; The most romantic, the tacky, the most genuine. As in the movies; A year and a half of magic. Neta was killed when he jumped on a grenade in the small safe room where they were staying, saving her life while she hid under the bed for the next seven hours, with his body hiding her. full of guilt for surviving; Overwhelmed with questions and wonders - what would have happened if? And especially unable to imagine life without Neta . Her heart was pulled out and the pain was terrible.

Neta joins Sergeant Matan Abergil, 19, who jumped on a grenade thrown at Golani's 13th Battalion armored personnel carrier and saved the lives of his comrades. And also to Roy Klein, deputy commander of Golani's 51st Battalion, who was awarded the Medal of Courage after jumping on a grenade during the Second Lebanon War in the battle of Bint Jbeil and saving the lives of his comrades, while roaring "Shema Yisrael."

We stood and applauded Brigadier General Dadi Simhi, who interrupted the shiva over the death of his son in order to join the fighting against Hamas. Where are there other people like him? Only in Israel.

Volunteers to help the evacuees of the envelope / official website, Society of Community Centers

Once again our dead gave us life

We heard Gilad Yavits' eulogy for his beloved son Yiftach z"l, a Maglan officer who was killed in Kibbutz Nahal Oz: "Yiftach, 12 hours before you went into battle you read me a birthday greeting, a blessing that will accompany me for the rest of my life. A life I can't imagine going through without you. "Abush," you greeted, you are my hero. I'm already 23 and you're 53. It's not a short common path. Sometimes I can identify your footprints on this path, rooted deep in the ground and marking the path of my progress. I try every step to have shoe sizes adjusted to match the size of your footprints, often without success.'

"My Yiftah, I swear to you with all that is dear to me that in your lifetime I have seen in your every step, how much your footprints are greater than mine. With what nobility, humility and talent do you forge your unique path and what heights you reach. From now until the end of my life, it is my duty to continue on your path. In everything I do from today, I will try to follow the path you have enlightened me, at the gorgeous length. Our loss is unimaginable. Yiftach, you are my hero."

In a parallel world, we Jews – descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – had to spend time under each other's limbs and figs in the land of choice given to us, in peace, brotherhood and harmony, and in coexistence with our neighbors.

Yesterday, I was invited to see 63 families from Sderot evacuees, who have been staying for the past ten days at the Alaya Poleg Hotel. Patriotic donors such as Ruby Dan, Moshe Petersburg, Attorney Yaron Zeevi and Ronen Raz established a village of alternative life, during war and missiles. There are no TVs in the rooms with front and funeral updates; Children's laughter could be heard on green lawns. Ninet and Shiri Maimon had just performed there voluntarily. The Dan Hotel donates meals and is sponsored by the Bataf Association of Shayetet 13 veterans. The agenda here is structured and organized for children and adults of all ages. Study, physical activity, crafts, lectures and more. The same dear people also rented the Selina-Frishman Hotel with its 38 rooms.

"Love your neighbor as yourself" in all the limbs and tendons. Beautiful Land of Israel. An island of peace and quiet in a black hole of war and bereavement. A parallel world.

In the national therapy we are currently undergoing, we will learn to love our shortcomings as a people, which are also our advantages. We will learn to accept ourselves with love as one whole, not to want to be with another, not to envy and not to compare; Know how to listen, to restrain, to hear, to accept, to forgive. Have a real dialogue and discussion. Compromise and be flexible. Be less fixated. To know that there is nothing of principle except the sanctity of life. It is permissible to fight in the family, but they do not break dishes or destroy the house.

From October 7, everything changed. Once again our dead gave us life - our silver platter. The people of Israel live!

To previous articles by Dr. Ilan Rabinowitz from the period of fighting:
1. Rest assured - we will win. But in the meantime, follow these rules:
2. Optimism, now? So yes, and you have 7 reasons to feel this way
3. Increase Cipralax dose? Start with sleeping pills? The psychiatrist answers users'

questions Any question about depression, anxiety in children, sleep disorders, ADHD during wartime, the third age, mediating information for children and more can be sent by text message or WhatsApp only by phone: 054-4693068

  • More on the subject:
  • Mental health
  • War in the South
  • Israel