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Stock Exchange: Europe moves weakly after inflation, Milan -0.2% - News

10/18/2023, 1:07:25 PM

Highlights: Stock Exchange: Europe moves weakly after inflation, Milan -0.2% - News. Inflation in the 20 Eurozone countries fell to 4.3% in September in line with estimates. Gas accelerates and rises 4% to 51 euros, in the wake of oil which rises 2% to 87 dollars a barrel. The worst stock remains Mediobanca, which falls 2.5 percent on the day when the shares purchased would no longer allow the participation in the next shareholders' meeting.

Nexi is still in a hurry, Mediobanca is weak. Spread at 204 (ANSA)

Stock markets on the Old Continent all slightly lower after inflation data in the eurozone and waiting for the start of Wall Street: London, Paris, Frankfurt and Amsterdam fluctuate on losses of about half a percentage point, while Milan gives up 0.2 percent. Inflation in the 20 Eurozone countries fell to 4.3% in September in line with estimates from 5.2% in August, with the morning tension on government bonds remaining mainly on British ones, in this case with attention to prices in Great Britain, and also in Italy.

The spread between ten-year BTPs and German Bunds, in particular, stands at 204 basis points, close to the recent high of 9 October at 206 basis points. The yield on the Treasury product is at 4.9%, with the 5% level reached on October 4, the highest since autumn 2012. Gas accelerates and rises 4% to 51 euros, in the wake of oil which rises 2% to 87 dollars a barrel. The euro was calm around 1.057 against the greenback. In Piazza Affari, Nexi's run continues, growing by 13% after the hypothesis of interest from CVC, although very attenuated by the British fund. Saipem did very well, growing 4 percent, with Erg up 1.3 percent. The worst stock remains Mediobanca, which falls 2.5 percent on the day when the shares purchased would no longer allow the participation in the next shareholders' meeting of the count between the list presented by the first shareholder Delfin and that of the bank's Board of Directors.

Fuel down, green at 1.913 euros per liter

After yesterday's pause, fuel prices are immediately falling again, with the plunge in the price of diesel on international markets, while Brent, which closed below 90 dollars yesterday, seems to be rising sharply this morning. Significant reductions on the recommended price lists of the major brands' fuels. According to the usual survey by Staffetta Quotidiano, Eni has reduced the recommended prices of gasoline and diesel by two cents per liter. For Q8 we record a reduction of one cent per liter on gasoline and diesel and an increase of one cent on LPG. These are the averages of the prices charged communicated by the operators to the Price Observatory of the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy and processed by the Staffetta, detected at 8 am yesterday morning on about 18 thousand plants: self-service gasoline at 1.913 euros / liter (-2 thousandths, companies 1.916, white pumps 1.907), self-service diesel at 1.897 euros / liter (-1, companies 1,901, white pumps 1,888). Gasoline served at 2,051 euros/liter (-3, companies 2,092, white pumps 1,969), diesel served at 2,035 euros/liter (-1, companies 2,077, white pumps 1,949). LPG served at €0.720/litre (unchanged, companies 0.728, white pumps 0.711), natural gas served at €1.429/kg (+11, companies 1.438, white pumps 1.422), LNG €1.287/kg (+2, companies €1.276/kg, white pumps €1.295/kg). These are the prices on the motorways: self-service petrol 1.994 euros/litre (served 2.252), self-service diesel 1.981 euros/litre (served 2.245), LPG 0.852 euros/litre, natural gas 1.520 euros/kg, LNG 1.292 euros/kg.

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