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The League revives counter-terrorism lessons at school - News

10/18/2023, 5:46:07 PM

Highlights: The League revives counter-terrorism lessons at school. In a bill, protocols and exercises in the event of attacks (ANSA). Current events are looming and push the League to ask (again) that schools know how to manage and defend themselves from the risk of attacks. The bill - the first signatory, the group leader Massimiliano Romeo - proposes an immediate warning system and an operational plan in theEvent of an attack on a school involving the Minister of the Interior. The estimated expenditure is one million euros, to be covered through the emergency fund.

In a bill, protocols and exercises in the event of attacks (ANSA)

Current events are looming and push the League to ask (again) that schools know how to manage and defend themselves from the risk of attacks, triggered by the crisis in the Middle East and swooped down again on Europe. The Lega senators have therefore dusted off a bill that dates back to 2020, to demand that students and teachers be prepared in the event of terrorist attacks in schools, with training courses and exercises every year. From elementary to high school, the League offers operational protocols alongside prevention actions. And for this reason, it is inspired by the Israeli model which, according to the former Carroccio, has developed a pact between citizens and institutions by creating "a sort of natural antibody" against and despite terrorism.

The bill - the first signatory, the group leader Massimiliano Romeo - proposes an immediate warning system and an operational plan in the event of an attack on a school involving the Minister of the Interior, in agreement with the Minister of Education and Defense. Hence the idea, for example, of having a contact person for security in each institute and a list of the telephone numbers of the garrisons available to the police and carabinieri. There will also be courses for teachers and students, guidelines for principals and parents, exercises along the lines of fire-fighting exercises or the fake bomb alarm that this morning triggered the (planned) evacuation of the Jewish school in the former ghetto of Rome, but causing panic in unsuspecting passers-by. Overall, the estimated expenditure is one million euros, to be covered through the emergency fund.

The text is the same as on February 11, 2020. Only the explanatory report has changed: three years ago it cited the resumption of the conflict in Syria and the violence in Libya as the fuse of jihadism. Now we start with Hamas' attack on Israel on October 7, recalling that "it had the support of the main Islamic terrorist organizations" that would point to "a new call to arms against the West."

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