The Limited Times

'Families burned alive': Taylor Swift's bodyguard goes to war against Hamas

10/23/2023, 5:27:27 AM

Highlights: 'Families burned alive': Taylor Swift's bodyguard goes to war against Hamas. Initially, he supported the superstar on the Eras tour. Now he is voluntarily fighting in the war in Israel against the terrorist organization Hamas. "I could not stand idly by while families were slaughtered in their homes and burned alive," he told the Israeli daily Israel Hayom. "What a career change! From protector of Taylor Swift to defender of borders, this bodyguard deserves an award for the most unexpected career turn of the year," another commented.

Status: 23.10.2023, 07:12 a.m.

By: Karolin Schäfer


Initially, he supported the superstar on the Eras tour. Now Taylor Swift's bodyguard is turning his back on her and going to war for Israel.

Munich – Several bodyguards ensure the safety of superstar Taylor Swift on her "Eras" world tour. Initially, this included a man who has now returned to his home country and is now voluntarily fighting in the war in Israel against the terrorist organization Hamas.

News on the war in Israel: Taylor Swift's bodyguard fights against Hamas

Even before supporting the superstar in live performances, he is said to have served for the Israeli military. It wasn't until the summer that it was seen on social media. At the time, the man was acting as a bodyguard for Taylor Swift on her worldwide tour, which is scheduled in more than 57 countries. Videos showed her bodyguard escorting the superstar off stage and scanning her fans with his eyes for potential dangers. For this he received great admiration.

The bodyguard has now also been admired for his commitment to Israel. "It's great to read this and hear about it," wrote one user on the short message service X (formerly Twitter). "What a career change! From protector of Taylor Swift to defender of borders, this bodyguard deserves an award for the most unexpected career turn of the year," another commented.

War in Israel: Bodyguard turns his back on Taylor Swift – "I couldn't stand idly by

For the Israeli bodyguard, the decision seemed to have been made quickly. "I could not stand idly by while families were slaughtered in their homes and burned alive," he told the Israeli daily Israel Hayom.

In return, the reservist left a lot behind in the USA. "I have a pretty great life in America, a dream job, great friends and a cozy home," he said. But Hamas' atrocities prompted the man to rethink. "They killed and slaughtered families in their beds along with their pets, and ended up burning down their homes as well," he said. He also condemned the terrorist organization in the strongest possible terms: "These are not human beings."

Israel confirms: Bodyguard returns and fights for his homeland

The Instagram channel of the State of Israel also confirmed that Swift's bodyguard had returned home to fight for his country. "We love you Eran," the picture captioned the social network. However, not everyone seemed to agree with the post. "Leave Taylor Swift out of the game," one user wrote. It is not known how closely the bodyguard worked with Taylor Swift. An inquiry from Variety magazine left her management unanswered.


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As The Times of Israel reported, Taylor Swift has also been criticized, including for her silence on current developments in Israel and the Gaza Strip. Others, on the other hand, criticized the timing of the announcement of their box office hit for the world tour.

While Israel's army, according to its spokesman, wants to intensify the air strikes against the Islamist Hamas, the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip is coming to a head for the remaining people. According to five UN agencies, the situation on the ground is "catastrophic". Hundreds of thousands of people are dependent on help, especially children, pregnant women and the elderly are at risk.

Meanwhile, Hamas has abducted large numbers of people from Israel to the Gaza Strip. A presenter took a Hamas leader to task on live television. A German woman who had been missing since the Hamas attack is now said to be dead. (kas)

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