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Press Conference with Yocheved Lifshitz: A Self-Goal for Israeli Propaganda | Israel Hayom

10/24/2023, 12:59:13 PM

Highlights: Press Conference with Yocheved Lifshitz: A Self-Goal for Israeli Propaganda | Israel Hayom. You don't need a media consultant to determine that such a live press meeting is forbidden. Added to this is the terrible quality of the radio broadcast, the foreign media that received half-information. Only one thing came out clear - Hamas are wonderful people who only help. It is scary to think what awaits us in the future, if something as simple as hostage propaganda has failed.

You don't need a media consultant to determine that such a live press meeting is forbidden • Added to this is the terrible quality of the radio broadcast, the foreign media that received half-information • Only one thing came out clear - Hamas are wonderful people who only help • It is scary to think what awaits us in the future, if something as simple as hostage propaganda has failed

A PR victory for Hamas: In recent years, every evening, dozens of media consultants have been sitting in the studios, talking confidently, explaining to us what will happen and what happened, and then leaving the studio and cutting fat coupons on customers who are looking for someone to give them certainty. After all, the man on television gave them certainty. And big bosses are looking for certainty. It doesn't matter if they are politicians or sell toiletries.

Yocheved Lifshitz, released from Hamas captivity, speaks for the first time // Moshe Ben-Simhon

So of all the consultants and consultants from the morning shows where they talk about a parrot who knows all Taylor Swift's songs by heart to the late-night programs where they talk confidently about the occupation of the Gaza Strip from the air-conditioned office, not one of them managed to prevent with his body the folly with which the heroine of Israel, Yocheved Lifshitz, was sent to the world media in an event that was another propaganda victory for Hamas.

Bare and truthful, she spoke honestly and once again provided proof that our country was caught off guard in every aspect.

A lot of wind and bells - zero responsibility and action

What a brave and enlightened woman, an Israeli we already thought we didn't produce and what a peaceful treatment of the event. The truth is, you don't have to be a spokesperson or media consultant to say that such a press conference should not be held live. It is enough to watch one series on Netflix to know that in such situations there are no questions and answers, only a pre-recorded message. Planned, meticulous and without improvisation. Even if Hamas stipulated that the two would have to be interviewed in order to be released, that still does not justify such amateur work by the state.

Add to this the quality and the neighborhood way this business was run. She was barely heard on the radio, the foreign press received half information, and only one thing came out clear: Hamas are wonderful people who only help.

The segment in which Yocheved spoke about the beatings, the crimes and the terrible crime that took place here, was already less emphasized in the foreign media. If there were someone in this country whose job it was to think about public relations in advance, we wouldn't even get to this situation.

A direct line runs between the breach of the fence in the envelope, the shortage of cream vests, and the terrible media event from noon. In all these events, of course, we lost. This propaganda loss came after we succeeded in reversing the events at the hospital in Gaza in the 90th minute.

But here, we scored our own goal when it came to advocacy. It turns out that we are surrounded by a distal wave: a lot of wind and bells, but zero responsibility and action. It is frightening to think what awaits us in the future, if in something as simple as the advocacy of noble hostages as we have seen, we have managed to fail.

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