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Ceasefire dispute: Israel rebuffs EU

10/27/2023, 4:39:35 PM

Highlights: Ceasefire talks between Israel and the EU in Brussels ended without a deal. Israel says it will not agree to "any kind of ceasefires" in the Gaza Strip. French President Emmanuel Macron says he is ready to help in the fight against Hamas. But he also wants to see a ceasefire in place before a possible ground offensive is launched against the terror group in Syria and Iraq. The EU says it is still in talks with Israel about a possible ceasefire. The talks are expected to continue for a few more days.

Status: 27.10.2023, 18:32 PM


Palestinian women bake traditional Saj bread in front of a UN-run school. © Abed Rahim Khatib/dpa

The heads of state and government of the EU deliberate for hours. Do they now want to demand a permanent ceasefire from Israel or only selective ceasefires? Israel, however, has its own ideas.

Brussels/Tel Aviv - Israel has rejected the demands of the 27 EU states for ceasefires in the Gaza Strip. "Israel currently rejects a humanitarian ceasefire," an Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman said in response to the EU summit decision in Brussels. This includes "any kind of ceasefires demanded".

However, humanitarian aid is still possible "as long as it does not end up in the hands of Hamas terrorists." So far, very little relief supplies have arrived in the sealed coastal area with more than two million inhabitants.

On Thursday, EU leaders wrestled for five hours over their demand to Israel. Spain wanted to enforce a complete ceasefire to allow humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, which Israel bombed in response to Hamas terror. For Germany and other countries, this went too far. They did not want to restrict Israel's right to defend itself so far.

The compromise wording was then "humanitarian corridors and pauses for humanitarian purposes" to allow for safe supplies for the civilian population, at least temporarily. But Israel rejects this as well.

Macron speaks of "indiscriminate bombardment"

French President Emmanuel Macron spoke of an "indiscriminate bombardment" in view of the massive Israeli attacks on targets in the Gaza Strip. France fully recognizes Israel's will and right to fight against Hamas terrorists and is ready to help. "But we believe that the complete blockade, the indiscriminate bombardment, and even more so the prospect of a massive ground offensive, are not suitable for adequately protecting the civilian population," he said.

He asked that Israel take the time to prepare well for further steps, Macron said, with a view to a possible ground offensive. He called for a humanitarian ceasefire and announced a coalition with several European countries to be able to establish a humanitarian corridor at sea, among other things.

Scholz cautious about Macron's anti-Hamas alliance

During his trip to the Middle East earlier this week, Macron had already suggested that the coalition founded in 2014 to fight the terrorist organization Islamic State should also be used against Hamas. "France is ready for the international anti-IS coalition, in which we are committed to our mission in Iraq and Syria, to be able to fight Hamas as well," he said.


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German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) was cautious about the initiative. The EU is now concentrating on the core of the things that were jointly decided at the summit in Brussels, he said. "And I think that's what you should do."

In addition to ceasefires and safe corridors, the heads of state and government had spoken out in favour of an early peace conference. Scholz expressly supported this idea. "It might be the right sign at the right time," he said. EU Council President Charles Michel said that in his view, such a conference could be organised in a few weeks or months. Dpa

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