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Is chestnut a natural insect repellent?

10/27/2023, 4:37:57 AM

Highlights: Is chestnut a natural insect repellent? There are certain elements of nature that are effective in keeping away spiders or moths that may have taken up residence in your home. Chestnut, a round fruit wrapped in a green bug with thorns, may be a solution. The smell given off by this dried fruit, when it dries, repels spiders. Horse chestnut extract also works. All you have to do is pour a few drops in the same strategic places. It is a non-chemical, and effective method to gently keep them away.

There are certain elements of nature that are effective in keeping away spiders or moths that may have taken up residence in your home.

You've come across some insects in your bedroom or living room and you don't know how to dislodge them in an environmentally friendly way, without using chemicals. Chestnut, a round fruit wrapped in a green bug with thorns, may be a solution. Explanations.

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Do chestnuts scare away spiders?

The idea may seem far-fetched at first glance, but the results are there. Why? Because the smell given off by this dried fruit, when it dries, repels spiders. Collected in the forest or bought in stores, chestnuts act as a natural insecticide.

The principle is simple: remove them from the bug, paying attention to the spikes. Cut them in half and place them in the nooks and crannies of your home, above cabinets, but also on windowsills and near the front door.

Horse chestnut extract also works. All you have to do is pour a few drops in the same strategic places. It is a non-chemical, and effective method to gently keep them away.

Read alsoWhere and when to pick chestnuts?

Is brown a moth repellent?

Textile or food moths have taken up residence in your closet or cupboards and you are looking to get rid of them.

As a first step, inspect food and discard any that is infested with insects. In a second step, wash the shelves and various elements of the kitchen furniture with white vinegar. Next, position chestnuts. They also act as a moth repellent: they too can't stand the smell.

You can get them on a walk in the woods, from September to November, or in a shop. Cut them in half and arrange them on the shelves next to your clothes or cans. Within a few days, these small insect pests should have left the premises.

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