The Limited Times

We must not be impressed by the destruction in the Gaza Strip: the IDF has not yet taken off its gloves, and Israel is losing precious time - voila! news

10/28/2023, 7:18:33 PM

Highlights: We must not be impressed by the destruction in the Gaza Strip: the IDF has not yet taken off its gloves, and Israel is losing precious time - voila! news. The IDF is proceeding unusually slowly, stemming from, among other things, government hesitation, the American bear hug, and procedures for the release of hostages. Our answer should resonate all over the world, and without stuttering along the way. If one wants to destroy the Hamas leadership and operatives who have proven to be modern Nazis, one must strive to achieve the goals by imposing enormous power on Gaza.

Three weeks after the war broke out, and apart from the destruction in the Gaza Strip, however great, Israel's answer has not yet been heard. The IDF is proceeding unusually slowly, stemming from, among other things, government hesitation, the American bear hug, and procedures for the release of hostages, but time is running out. Our answer should resonate all over the world, and without stuttering along the way

Assassination of the commander of the naval force of the Gaza Brigade/IDF Spokesperson

Three weeks have passed since the outbreak of the war against Hamas, and the State of Israel has lost precious time to achieve the goals of the war, which include the dismantling of Hamas, security at the borders - and a supreme effort to return all the abductees. At this point in time, the IDF was supposed to complete the crushing of many military and civilian infrastructures of the terrorist organization, and eliminate many senior figures and terrorists, when in fact only hundreds of Hamas commanders and terrorists were killed in the Gaza Strip.

IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevy issued a statement this evening in which he said sharply and clearly that Hamas had committed a crime against all humanity. If so, why doesn't the political echelon allow the IDF to take off the gloves, to the end, in order to shorten the duration of the fighting and achieve all the objectives? Why is the ground maneuver toward Hamas' centers of gravity delayed? Hamas possesses a very large firepower capability, and if there are lulls between the barrages, it is likely that they stem from an arms economy and not necessarily from offsetting capabilities.

Destruction in Gaza, Iron Swords, October 27, 2023/Reuters

One should not be impressed by the extent of the destruction the IDF has wreaked in the Gaza Strip, even though it is very enormous compared to operations in the area since 2000. Reality has shown, and studies have validated, that only thwarting senior officials, killing terrorists and destroying military infrastructure leads to the collapse of terrorist organizations. Certainly when it comes to extremist ideology, evil and barbarism like Hamas's.

The IDF was surprised by the outbreak of war, and the State of Israel paid a heavy and agonizing price that will scar us forever. The heroism of the lone turned the bowl and repelled much broader attacks. Finally, the IDF came to its senses. The units together stabilized the defense lines and borders, the level of motivation in the divisions is very high, as is the belief in the ability to bring victory.

I still believe and think that the IDF is the strongest army in the Middle East. He can fight in more than one arena and bring great achievements. The past three weeks, however, prove that the processes are being carried out slowly for several reasons, the most prominent of which is an initial military shock, hesitation in the government, the American bear hug, and secret and open processes for the release of hostages.

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The results of Israeli attacks in the northern Gaza Strip. October 23, 2023/Reuters


When it becomes clear that the pro-Muslim Brotherhood government of Qatar is playing a double game, and Hamas is acting in the most vicious, manipulative and malicious manner while cynically and sickly using babies and Holocaust survivors and employing psychological warfare – the time has come to change the rules of the game. If one wants to destroy the Hamas leadership and operatives who have proven to be modern Nazis without inhibitions, one must strive to achieve the goals by imposing enormous power on Gaza. The IDF's answer must reverberate all over the world, without blinking, and without stuttering along the way.

There are many considerations in the conduct of the war, such as the threats emanating from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Hezbollah, Yemen, Judea and Samaria and the internal arena, but the picture has already become clear. The government cannot lose any more precious time, and every hour counts.

  • More on the subject:
  • Gaza War
  • Iron Sword War
  • Gaza Strip

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