The Limited Times

13 fighters against dozens of terrorists, in a battle of hours: this is how terrorists were prevented from entering Kibbutz Nir Am - voila! news

10/29/2023, 3:28:59 PM

Highlights: 13 fighters against dozens of terrorists, in a battle of hours: this is how terrorists were prevented from entering Kibbutz Nir Am. In the heroic battle, they managed to prevent an infiltration into Nir Am with 13 fighters, without much ammunition, who fought against 37 terrorists. "We fought without thinking about what was happening," said one of the fighters. "All that runs through my head is to save my friends who were hurt," he said. "They are aware that we have wounded, and in the open I see three other wounded fighters of ours."

Nir Am is one of the kibbutzim in the envelope where massive entry of terrorists was prevented, among other things due to the heroism of the fighters of the tactical brigade's motorcycle unit, who were called to the scene and fought 37 terrorists, with partial ammunition, under constant fire. "We fought without thinking about what was happening" | documentation

Video: Fighters prevent terrorists from entering Nir Am/Photo: Israel Police Spokesperson's Office

Andrei, a soldier in the motorcycle unit of the tactical brigade, was called, like many, on the morning of Saturday, October 7, to the Gaza envelope. "I understood that something was happening, but not its dimensions," he said of the morning he left his home in Yokneam on a motorcycle toward the fire zone, more than two hours away, at the same time as his friends who were called with him.

"We arrive with the motorcycles to the kibbutz and the back gate is closed, we enter Nir Am on foot," he said of the beginning of the incident, upon arrival at the kibbutz, when they had to postpone encounters with terrorists. Soon after, Andrei hears gunshots - and detects hits near him. "I lift my head and see three of our fighters under fire," he said. "They are aware that we have wounded. We skip over to them under fire, and in the open I see three other wounded fighters of ours."

At this point in time, Andrei and the other fighters realize that they must rescue the wounded. One of the soldiers crawls towards them while trying to help and is shot in the back. Andrei pulls him back, all under constant heavy fire. "We took cover after a military vehicle and opened fire," Andrei said. "Then, I skipped with two fighters towards the wounded. We managed to rescue them, under the fire of the terrorists who fire at us nonstop."

"We continue to fight in that moment without thinking about what happened." Andrei, a soldier in the unit/courtesy of the subjects

Andrei takes another weapon from one of the wounded, and collects magazines from the wounded because, in parallel with the events, the ammunition is running out. "I hear shouting, that there's another wounded man who was hit in the head, and I see that it's one of our fighters," he said. "They shout to me that he's in critical condition, and we evacuate him to a security vehicle."

For about an hour, the fighters wage a battle against the terrorists, during which they rescue four wounded from the kibbutz until additional forces arrive. Roman Gendel, a lieutenant trainer in the Border Police tactical unit, was killed in the battle. "All that runs through my head is to save the friends who were hurt," Andrei said. "We continue to fight in that moment without thinking about what happened." In the heroic battle, they managed to prevent an infiltration into Nir with 13 fighters, without much ammunition, who fought against 37 terrorists.

  • More on the subject:
  • Gaza War
  • Iron Sword War

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