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After learning the devastating news of the soldiers' fall: Watch Kobi Aflalo's moving gesture | Israel Hayom

11/1/2023, 12:19:45 PM

Highlights: After learning the devastating news of the soldiers' fall: Watch Kobi Aflalo's moving gesture. The singer, who previously recorded the Givati anthem, uploaded a moving tribute video. "Salutes and deeply pains the fall of the heroic soldiers of Givatis," he said. "I pray for the safety and victory of IDF soldiers," he added. "The real heroes are those who get into uniform, who of their own accord saw that there was chaos in the south and entered with guns to fight and save lives"

The singer, who previously recorded the Givati anthem, uploaded a moving tribute video • "Salutes and deeply pains the fall of the heroic soldiers of Givati"

A few years ago, Kobi Aflalo recorded the Givati anthem. Today, upon learning the devastating news of the fall of IDF soldiers, including fighters from Givati, Kobi uploaded a moving video to which he added the following words: "Salutes and deeply pains the fall of the heroic soldiers of Givati. I had the privilege of performing Givati's anthem a few years ago. I pray for the safety and victory of IDF soldiers."

Kobi Aflalo, Photo: Eldad Rafaeli

In a recent interview with Israel Hayom, Aflalo said: "They say well done to the artists who come to celebrate, but in the end we are the court jesters. The real heroes are those who get into uniform, who of their own accord saw that there was chaos in the south and entered with guns to fight and save lives without anyone calling them. They're the real celebs."

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