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Report: Biden estimates Netanyahu's days are numbered - voila! news

11/1/2023, 9:20:14 PM

Highlights: Report: Biden estimates Netanyahu's days are numbered - voila! news. According to the report, Biden even offered Netanyahu to "share lessons with his successor" "Biden advised him to consider a scenario in which he is replaced while the war in Gaza is raging," the report said. The issue was recently raised in consultations held at the White House with Biden's participation after the president's visit to Israel. The report was published on Wednesday by the US website Politico. The story was first reported by the Israeli news agency Ynet.

According to a report on the US website Politico, the US president and his advisers discussed the possibility that the prime minister would not survive in office for long, and that Biden even conveyed this "mood" to Netanyahu in recent talks with him. According to the report, Biden even offered Netanyahu to "share lessons with his successor."

Video: US President Biden's declaration in Israel clarifying that the return of abductees is a top priority/Photo: Reuters

US President Joe Biden estimates that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's days in office are "numbered", the US website Politico reported on Wednesday. According to the report, Biden and his advisers discussed the issue, and the US president even conveyed this mood to Netanyahu in recent talks with him. "Biden even offered Netanyahu to share lessons with his successor," the report said.

According to the report, the issue was recently raised in consultations held at the White House with Biden's participation after the president's visit to Israel. According to the report, in Biden's meetings with Netanyahu during his visit to Israel, the president advised him to consider a scenario in which he is replaced while the war in Gaza is raging.

  • More on the subject:
  • Joe Biden
  • Benjamin Netanyahu

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