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"We will return to building and flourishing": the moving letter that the bereaved father read in the demolition of the home of the terrorist who helped murder his sons | Israel Hayom

11/3/2023, 4:13:01 PM

Highlights: "We will return to building and flourishing": the moving letter that the bereaved father read in the demolition of the home of the terrorist who helped murder his sons. Captain (Res.) Shalom Yaniv, father of Hillel Weigel z"l, who was murdered in the shooting attack in Huwara in February, joined the security forces that demolished the home. "We will fight with courage and determination anyone who comes to destroy, cut off and murder," he said.

Captain (Res.) Shalom Yaniv, father of Hillel Weigel z"l, who was murdered in the shooting attack in Huwara in February, joined the security forces that demolished the home of Khaled Harosheh, who was involved in the murder of his children in Nablus • "Fights with courage and determination anyone who comes to destroy, cut off and murder"

The home of Khaled Harosheh, who was involved in the shooting attack last February in which the brothers Hillel Weigel Yaniv were murdered by his father Abd al-Fatah Harosheh, was demolished tonight (between Thursday and Friday) in Nablus by Israeli security forces.

During the operational activity, which included engineering forces, a diamond unit in the reserves of Central Command, reserve battalions 8109, 967 and the Border Police, shots were fired and IEDs were thrown at the forces, who responded by shooting at the suspects and identified hits. At the same time as demolishing the house, the forces managed to detain three Hamas operatives in the city.

Hillel Weigel Yaakov z"l, photo: courtesy of the family

One of those present during the demolition was Captain (res.) Shalom Yaniv, Hillel Weigel's father, who was drafted by Order 8 to the Samaria Brigade at the beginning of the war. Yaniv, who among other things leads the field of the military rabbinate in the reserves, came full circle – and read a moving letter inside the house.

"Hillel Weigel's great-grandmother left Auschwitz, just as it was said today in Gaza and Huwara – 'Never again,'" he said. "Out of the low point of the Holocaust, the light of the state was wounded, and out of the pogrom in Bari and the village of Gaza, we set out to eradicate evil in the world, Hamas-ISIS and their other collaborators."

Shalom Yaniv reading the letter, tonight, photo: IDF Spokesperson

He added: "We, the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, have come to add goodness to the world, we have come to build, we have come to flourish, we have come to live and to say in a loud voice – never again evil! We will fight with courage and determination anyone who comes to destroy, cut off and murder."

"The destruction of the house that you are about to do in the name of all of Israel, in the name of an entire nation that stands behind you and tells you, 'I will persecute my enemies and achieve them, and I will not return until they are finished,'" he concluded. "Israel, the 'lion cub,' awakens, wakes up from the summer and fights back, and will return to build and flourish from Har Bracha to Beeri, from Kiryat Shmona to Sderot. The people of Israel are one and united – the people of Israel are alive."

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