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These are the entry and exit times of Shabbat 03.11.2023 <> Cheshvan <> - Shabbat Parashat Vira | Israel Hayom

11/3/2023, 7:51:22 AM

Highlights: The portion of Vira is the fourth weekly portion in the book of Genesis. It begins in chapter 18, verse 1 and ends in chapter 22, verse 24. The portion opens with the story of the visit of the three angels to Abraham's house. Also in the portion: Sodom and the daughters of Lot, the birth of Isaac, the expulsion of Hagar and Ishmael, the binding of Isaac. If you find a mistake in the article, please share it with us.

Shabbat entry and exit and candle lighting 03.11.2023<> Cheshvan <> - Shabbat Parashat Vira

These are the entry and exit times of Shabbat and candle lighting 31.03.2023, <> Nissan <>-Shabbat Parashat Tzu.

Shabbat entrance: 16:08 Saturday
departure: 17:26

Tel Aviv
Shabbat entrance: 16:30 Saturday
departure: 17:27

Saturday entrance: 16:18 Saturday
departure: 17:25

Saturday entrance: 16:31 Saturday
departure: 17:28

The portion of Vira is the fourth weekly portion in the book of Genesis. It begins in chapter 18, verse 1 and ends in chapter 22, verse 24.

The portion opens with the story of the visit of the three angels to Abraham's house. Three angels come to Abraham and tell him that he will soon have a son. Sarah, hearing this, laughs, and God scolds her: "Why did Sarah laugh... Is it any wonder what God is talking about?!"

The angels leave Abraham and go to Sodom to destroy her and save Lot and his family. Also in the portion: Sodom and the daughters of Lot, the birth of Isaac, the expulsion of Hagar and Ishmael, the binding of Isaac.

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