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Israeli police detain terrorist squad who threw Molotov cocktails at civilians in Jerusalem | Israel Hayom

11/5/2023, 6:51:30 AM

Highlights: Israeli police detain terrorist who threw Molotov cocktails at civilians in Jerusalem. The four threw fireworks at moving vehicles in the Silwan neighborhood. In some cases they also fired fireworks at homes and civilians. A Border Police soldier was lightly wounded after they tried to attack the security forces. The suspects have been remanded in custody from time to time. A prosecutor's statement was filed and an indictment is expected against them. The terrorists used to publish a large number of incitement to violence, sympathy and support for the Hamas terrorist organization.

The four threw Molotov cocktails at moving vehicles in the Silwan neighborhood • In some cases they also fired fireworks at homes and civilians • A Border Police soldier was lightly wounded after they tried to attack the security forces

Police officers from the Kedem District Crime Fighting Unit in the Jerusalem District and Jerusalem Border Police soldiers detained today (Sunday) a squad of four terrorists involved in firing fireworks and Molotov cocktails at a passing transport vehicle in Silwan, houses and at security forces operating there. As a result of one of the incidents, a Border Police soldier sustained minor injuries.

Police detain terrorist squad who threw Molotov cocktails at civilians in Jerusalem // Photo: Israel Police Spokesperson's Office

The suspects have been remanded in custody from time to time. A few days ago, upon completion of the investigation and the establishment of an evidentiary basis, a prosecutor's statement was filed and an indictment is expected against them by the State Prosecutor's Office.

As part of the police investigation, the investigators managed to trace four suspects (2 adults and 2 minors, residents of East Jerusalem and northern Israel) who were involved in firing fireworks and throwing KTVs at buildings in Silwan about a month ago, and they were arrested by the policemen and transferred to the Kedem Police Department for interrogation.

The police investigation revealed that each of the four terrorists had a role in the squad: observation, documentation and execution. According to suspicions, they were involved in a number of violent riots, including firing fireworks and throwing at the KGB. In addition, in a search conducted by the police, the suspects found various finds such as: an improvised explosive device, many detonators, Hamas symbols, air rifles and veils.

The investigation also revealed that the terrorists used to publish a large number of incitement to violence, sympathy and support for the Hamas terrorist organization and terrorists, especially in the past two weeks following the murderous massacre in southern Israel.

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