The Limited Times

In the midst of the fighting: Activists of a pro-Hamas organization fuel the "settler violence" campaign | Israel Hayom

11/6/2023, 8:20:39 AM

Highlights: Left-wing activists from Israel and abroad are currently working to further inflame the territory in Judea and Samaria. ISM operatives roam the Hebron Hills area and disrupt soldiers' activity there. In the past, Israel Hayom exposed an intelligence report they created that closely monitored fighters in Hebron. Recently, the head of the organization spoke in favor of Hamas: "Our brothers and sisters teach the Zionists a lesson" All this while the people of Israel are mobilized to fight the enemy by the IDF.

ISM operatives roam the Hebron Hills area and disrupt soldiers' activity there • Recently, the head of the organization spoke in favor of Hamas: "Our brothers and sisters teach the Zionists a lesson" • In the past, Israel Hayom exposed an intelligence report they created that closely monitored fighters in Hebron • Ad Kan: "ISM operatives come to Judea and Samaria to stir up unrest"

While the State of Israel is engaged in a multi-front war, left-wing activists from Israel and abroad are currently working to further inflame the territory in Judea and Samaria. These days, ISM activists, along with other left-wing activists, are roaming the Hebron Hills, disrupting the activities of the soldiers operating there.

Ad Kan video documented Ta'ayush spitting on an IDF soldier (archive)

It is a very radical organization, which in the past maintained close ties with various Hamas operatives and even carried out, as revealed in Israel Hayom, intelligence surveillance of fighters and settlers in Hebron. In recent days, reservists serving in the Mount Hebron area have reported that left-wing activists come to the area and interfere with their activities. The activists go up to the soldiers' positions, provoke them, and when the fighters try to push them away, they pull out cameras and accuse them of violence. ISM activists, the settlers say, are spreading the fake videos around the world, fueling the false campaign about settler violence.

They also call on the embassies of various countries, including Ireland, Belgium, Britain and others, to condemn the State of Israel and stop the IDF's activity to prevent terrorism in these areas. In this way, the operatives serve as human shields for the Palestinians in the face of the IDF's security activity.

Intelligence surveillance of fighters and settlers in Hebron, photo: Ran Dahan/TPS

A few months ago, Israel Hayom, together with Ad Kan, published an intelligence report created by ISM operatives after long monitoring of fighters in Hebron. The problematic report exposed the conduct of the fighters and wrote a blacklist of settlers in the city, including license plate numbers of the vehicles in which they travel. The program exposed, among other things, the extremist organization's ties to Hamas.

In recent days, the head of the organization, Paul Lowerdi, who lives in the United States and in the past received a medal for his activity from Ismail Haniyeh, spoke in favor of the terrible massacre of Hamas and its attack on the State of Israel: "Our brothers and sisters teach the Zionists a lesson. Every tank and missile in the Zionist arsenal is food taken from our children, not just from the Palestinians," he said in a video.

According to the "The Rampage" series, Laurdi is an enthusiastic supporter of the Assad regime in Syria and the regime of the ayatollahs in Iran. In a photo for the hidden camera of "The Shtula," he admits that the Muslim Brotherhood is funding his activities, and that's where the money comes from. "We're not saying we're a resistance organization, we're saying we're a human rights organization," he was filmed telling activists. He added that "the occupation extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River, it's not just the 67 borders, it's the 48 borders," explaining his struggle against the State of Israel straight from Hamas headquarters in Europe.

Demonstration against the "Israeli occupation" (archive), photo: Herzi Shapira

"The transfer in the West Bank"

Alongside the ISM, there are also 22 left-wing organizations that participate in the same activity against the State of Israel. Recently, the organizations called on the international community to stop what they condemn as "the transfer in the West Bank." All this while the people of Israel are mobilized to fight the enemy by the IDF. The letter sent by the organizations stated, among other things: "We call on the international community to act urgently to stop the wave of settler violence, which is carried out with the support of the state, and which leads and will lead to the expulsion of Palestinian communities in the West Bank. We believe that the only way to stop the expulsion in the West Bank is through direct, strong and unequivocal intervention by the international community."

News websites report on the missile landing in a hospital in Gaza. Fake news that influences public opinion, photo: from the web

Ad Kan views the reality on the ground with severity: "At a time when political elements are debating whether to expose the horrors of the terrible massacre for PR purposes, the State of Israel abandons the treatment of these organizations and allows them to act propaganda against the State of Israel. While our soldiers are fighting fiercely in the various arenas, there are hostile elements inside us that harm the State of Israel. ISM operatives come to Judea and Samaria in order to incite the territory and damage the image of the State of Israel and the IDF. These operatives must be arrested immediately and returned to the countries from which they come."

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