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No promotion? Maybe it's because of your personality

11/7/2023, 9:00:56 AM

Highlights: No promotion? Maybe it's because of your personality. The T3Nportal presents three personality types that are passed over for promotions. whining, sulking and gossiping people do not have a good chance of getting a promotion at work. It's better to change workflows or your attitude towards certain tasks instead of always complaining about them. The salary is bad despite good performance? It may be due to a lack of communication. A guilty conscience because of sick leave? What are the reasons for this and what can be done?

Last updated: 07.11.2023, 09:49 a.m.

By: Carina Blumenroth


If you want to develop in your job, you hope to get a promotion. This includes more responsibility and a higher salary. But what if you don't get promoted?

Qualifications, your own performance and experience – these can be three pillars that speak in favor of getting promoted at work. However, these are not the only criteria. In addition to job-specific characteristics, one's own personality is also a booster or braker for promotion. What behaviors can hurt your career.

Not promoted – performance can also inhibit your career

Are you always upset about work and prefer to whine instead of changing something? This can prevent you from being promoted. © Yay Images/Imago

You perform well and ensure that your department's goals are met. This can be a first step in recommending yourself for promotion. However, it's just as likely that your boss wants to keep you in the position. If you were to be promoted, you would leave a void in your team. Are you the person who continuously performs and drives the team forward? In this case, a promotion means more stress for the boss, according to the Career Bible portal. If you notice that you are being passed over for promotions despite good performance, seek a conversation with your superiors. The goal can be to explain your professional visions in an initial meeting. However, it is also important that you reflect on how you perceive yourself and how others do so.

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Are you working from home and are forgotten about the promotion? Why it's important to employers that you're in the office.

Personal characteristics prevent promotion

The T3Nportal presents three personality types that are passed over for promotions. In doing so, the portal refers to an evaluation by Careerbuilder. According to this, whining, sulking and gossiping people do not have a good chance of getting a promotion at work. So if you want to get promoted, work on your mindset. It's better to change workflows or your attitude towards certain tasks instead of always complaining about them. You should also pay attention to how you deal with colleagues.

The salary is bad despite good performance? It may be due to a lack of communication.


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Other reasons why you don't get promoted

The Handelsblatt has presented further reasons why some employees are not promoted. For example, are you a yes-man? This can be bad for your professional success. This shows that you don't have an opinion of your own, reports career coach Martin Braun in Handelsblatt. However, a lack of network in the company or reluctant behavior can also prevent a promotion.

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