The Limited Times

The Abraham Accords put to the test in the conflict between Israel and Hamas

11/7/2023, 7:11:04 PM

Highlights: The Abraham Accords put to the test in the conflict between Israel and Hamas. Like the United States, like Europe and like the Arab countries, the Gulf states believed that it was possible to live ignoring the Palestinian question. The United Arab Emirates has been trying for a month to maintain a difficult balance between Arab opinion and its Israeli partner. At the World Policy Conference (WPC) organized by Ifri from November 3 to 5 in Abu Dhabi, Anwar Gargash, the president's diplomatic adviser, never spoke of the "disproportionate" Israeli response.

Like the United States, like Europe and like the Arab countries, the Gulf states believed that it was possible to live ignoring the Palestinian question, a low-intensity conflict.

Special Envoy to Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates)

How long will they be able to hold their big gap between the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea? The centerpiece of the Abraham Accords that sealed peace with Israel in 2020, the United Arab Emirates has been trying for a month to maintain a difficult balance between Arab opinion and its Israeli partner. When speaking in public, leaders exercise the utmost moderation. At the World Policy Conference (WPC) organized by Ifri from November 3 to 5 in Abu Dhabi, Anwar Gargash, the president's diplomatic adviser, never spoke of the "disproportionate" Israeli response without mentioning in the same sentence the attacks of October 7 - condemned by the Emirates - and the Israeli hostages.

For the time being, there is no question of questioning the Abraham Accords, which are readily considered in Abu Dhabi as a game changer that could - or could - bring stability and prosperity throughout the world.

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