The Limited Times

Weil praises federal-state agreement on refugee costs

11/7/2023, 5:23:24 AM

Highlights: Weil praises federal-state agreement on refugee costs. Lower Saxony's Prime Minister Stephan Weil sees the agreement as a great relief for the municipalities. Federal government is relieving the states and municipalities of around 3.5 billion euros in refugee costs in the coming year, Weil says. The federal government wants to pay a lump sum of 7500,<> euros per capita, said Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD). The resolution paper shows that the federal government want to pay this annual lump sum for people who apply for asylum for the first time.

Status: 07.11.2023, 06:04 a.m.


Lower Saxony's Prime Minister Stephan Weil speaks after the federal-state meeting at the Federal Chancellery in Berlin. © Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa

Lower Saxony's Prime Minister Stephan Weil sees the federal-state agreement on refugee costs as a great relief for the municipalities. "Under these difficult conditions for the municipalities, it has been possible to agree on a significant additional reimbursement amount," said the SPD politician early Tuesday morning in Berlin after consultations of the federal states with Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

Berlin - Weil continued: "The fact that it was possible to come together pretty much exactly in the middle under these conditions is really worth an exclamation mark at an early hour of the morning." Through several measures agreed at the summit, the federal government is relieving the states and municipalities of around 3.5 billion euros in refugee costs in the coming year, according to Weil.

After months of dispute, the federal and state governments had agreed on the future distribution of refugee costs. The federal government wants to pay a lump sum of 7500,<> euros per capita, said Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD). The resolution paper shows that the federal government wants to pay this annual lump sum for people who apply for asylum in Germany for the first time. Dpa

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