The Limited Times

"I love Aldi": Customers celebrate name of new product

11/8/2023, 4:02:17 AM

Highlights: "I love Aldi": Customers celebrate name of new product. "I'll have to try it and see if it tastes good lol. Because the Fanta duplicate is delicious," writes one user. When McDonald's lost a trademark lawsuit, it also had to put up with ridicule and swipes from Burger King. "These dupes always taste better than the real thing," writes another user. "Professor Peppy" was so successful that a customer took a photo and posted it on X (formerly Twitter)

Status: 08.11.2023, 04:54 a.m.

By: Sandra Sporer


Many branded products have cheaper imitators. Their names are often inspired by the original. Such a product delighted some Aldi customers.

Munich – Brand names have a lot of traction. Even if the products of well-known manufacturers are not always necessarily the best choice, many automatically reach for them. However, some alternative products take advantage of the success of the well-known original by taking inspiration from the name and design of the more well-known brand. The results are partly curious and partly brilliant.

Aldi customer thrilled by product name based on well-known brand

The latter was the case with a cheaper alternative to Dr. Pepper's well-known Coke, which was offered for sale in a British Aldi store. The name "Professor Peppy", which was creatively based on the original, was so successful that she took a photo and posted it on X (formerly Twitter).

She captioned the picture: "I love Aldi. Personally, I think you need more creativity to come up with names like that without getting into trouble." She is quite right, because a name that is too similar could even have legal consequences.

One Aldi customer liked the smart and amusing naming of this product so much that she shared a photo of it on social media. © Screenshot/X(Twitter)

Manufacturers secure the trademark rights to the names of their products. By doing so, they ensure that no one sells a similar product under the same name. However, names that are too similar can also constitute a trademark infringement under certain circumstances. Namely, when there is a likelihood of confusion.

According to the Munich Chamber of Industry and Commerce, there is a risk of confusion if the following three criteria are met:

  • The name or logo is identical or very similar.
  • Both designations/logos are used for similar or identical products
  • Consumers may confuse the products on the basis of the previous two criteria

X users also celebrate the name of the Aldi product

On X, many users were also enthusiastic about the creative naming. One comment reads: "Sorry, but Professor Peppy is absolutely funny". Another user wrote: "This is awesome."


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Many also praise the fact that the copycat products available at Aldi – called "dupes" in English – taste really good. "I'll have to try it and see if it tastes good lol. Because the Fanta duplicate is delicious," writes one user. Another commented, "These dupes always taste better than the real thing."

There is also an alternative to a well-known chocolate bar at Aldi with an astonishing resemblance. When McDonald's lost a trademark lawsuit, it also had to put up with ridicule and swipes from Burger King. (sp


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