The Limited Times

Italy aiming to develop AI 'champions' says Meloni

11/9/2023, 5:51:46 PM

Highlights: Italy aiming to develop AI 'champions' says Meloni. Premier Giorgia Meloni said Thursday that Italy was looking to help form 'champion' enterprises in the field of artificial intelligence. "Artificial intelligence can be considered the greatestintellectual, practical and anthropological challenge of thisera," Meloni told the Inter-ministry Digital TransitionCommittee. "We are moving forward, and, for example, a specific fund isbeing set up to support Italian start-ups in the sector," she said.

Premier Giorgia Meloni said Thursday that Italy was looking to help form 'champion' enterprises in the field of artificial intelligence. © ANSA

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 9 - Premier Giorgia Meloni said Thursdaythat Italy was looking to help form 'champion' enterprises inthe field of artificial intelligence.
   "Artificial intelligence can be considered the greatestintellectual, practical and anthropological challenge of thisera," Meloni told the Inter-ministry Digital TransitionCommittee.
   "We are moving forward, and, for example, a specific fund isbeing set up to support Italian start-ups in the sector.
   "In this regard, I agree with (Cabinet) Undersecretary (forInnovation Alessio) Butti on the need to create nationalchampions in this field, with which we can be at theforefront.... to be up to the challenge at the global level".