The Limited Times

Nicolas Sarkozy to take part in the march against anti-Semitism

11/9/2023, 10:51:18 AM

Highlights: Nicolas Sarkozy to take part in the march against anti-Semitism. The former head of state will be on Sunday alongside the presidents of the two chambers, Yaël Braun-Pivet and Gérard Larcher. François Hollande will also be. It is added to the list of participants. However, this initiative is controversial because of the announced presence of the National Rally (RN) "Renaissance will be present on Sunday for the great march," the secretary general of the presidential party said on Tuesday on X (ex-Twitter)

The former head of state will be on Sunday alongside the presidents of the two chambers, Yaël Braun-Pivet and Gérard Larcher. François Hollande will also be

It is added to the list of participants. Former President Nicolas Sarkozy will attend the march against anti-Semitism organized this Sunday in Paris by Senate President Gérard Larcher and National Assembly President Yaël Braun-Pivet, Le Parisien has learned from the former head of state's entourage, confirming a report by BFMTV. François Hollande, another former President of the Republic, will also be present in the front row.

Gérard Larcher and Yaël Braun-Pivet called on "all those who identify with the values of our Republic" to participate in this march. However, this initiative is controversial because of the announced presence of the National Rally (RN). "Renaissance will be present on Sunday for the great march against anti-Semitism. However, I will never march behind the same banner as the National Rally," the secretary general of the presidential party, Stéphane Séjourné, said on Tuesday on X (ex-Twitter). Some ministers, such as the Minister of National Education, Gabriel Attal, will also be present.

Read alsoMarch against anti-Semitism: LFI, PS, RN... Who will or will not march in Paris on Sunday?

La France Insoumise (LFI) announced for its part that it would not participate, believing that this "great march" did not meet the imperative of "unifying our people". "La France insoumise does not want to see forgotten how the unity of the people, the secularism of institutions, the equality of rights and dignity of citizens are the conditions of the Republic," they said in a statement published on Wednesday.

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