The Limited Times

School bullying: how this Créteil middle school is mobilizing to settle "90% of cases peacefully"

11/9/2023, 6:01:45 PM

Highlights: School bullying: how this Créteil middle school is mobilizing to settle "90% of cases peacefully" Distribution of a self-assessment grid, training of student ambassadors, exchange with the rector of the academy. At the Collège Plaisance,. There were five 4th graders who had been harassing a classmate relentlessly since 6th grade. One of them has been definitively excluded from the school, the principal told the school's rector on Thursday, the national day against school bullying.

Distribution of a self-assessment grid, training of student ambassadors, exchange with the rector of the academy... At the Collège Plaisance,

There were five of them. Five 4th graders who had been harassing a classmate relentlessly since 6th grade. No one saw anything at the Collège Plaisance in Créteil (Val-de-Marne), which is very mobilized in the face of this insidious form of violence. Proof of the perversity of the phenomenon. But the mask finally came off after two years. "The five girls have been summoned to a disciplinary council. One of them has been definitively excluded from the school," the principal told the rector of the academy, Julie Benetti, on Thursday, the national day against school bullying.

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