The Limited Times

"What's that, Dad?" Stefan Mross irritates his daughter with a strange birthday present

11/10/2023, 7:12:38 PM

Highlights: Stefan Mross (47) gave his daughter Johanna a cassette of his music for her 22nd birthday. The young woman didn't exactly react with enthusiasm. Mross has already been married three times and has two children. He is currently touring the country with his "Always Again Schlager" tour - but still knows how to really relax between appointments."What's that, Dad?" Stefan Mross irritates his daughter with a strange birthday present. "It's a kind of USB stick."

Status: 10.11.2023, 20:02 PM

By: Lukas Einkammerer


For his daughter Johanna's 22nd birthday, Stefan Mross gave her a strange gift. The young woman didn't exactly react with enthusiasm.

Passau – Finding the perfect gift for your loved ones is not always easy. Even if you think you've hit the bull's eye, the reaction isn't always as euphoric as you'd hoped for in advance. Stefan Mross (47) can tell you a thing or two about this in the truest sense of the word, because his present for daughter Johanna (22) caused more confusion than exuberant enthusiasm.

Cassette for his 22nd birthday: Stefan Mross gives his daughter Johanna his own music

As the daughter of Stefan Mross and Stefanie Hertel (44), Johanna Mross has music in her blood – but despite joint appearances with her mother, she is taking a different direction professionally. She is training to become a confectioner and is currently in her second year of training. For her birthday on 17 October, however, dad Stefan was inspired by their shared passion for making music.

As reports, Stefan Mross is said to have given Johanna a cassette for her birthday. Not a particularly unusual idea in itself – although the younger generation might be better served with a CD or vinyl record – but what is surprising is the artist who made the recording: none other than Mross himself. It is not known which of his songs the "Always Again Sundays" presenter bequeathed to his daughter on her special day, but this gift idea is still a little strange.

Stefan Mross and his marriages

Stefan Mross has already been married three times. The first woman at his side was his Schlager colleague Stefanie Hertel (43). The marriage lasted from 2006 to 2012 and produced a daughter (*2001). After that, the musician walked down the aisle with Susanne Schmidt (42) and was married to her from 2013 to 2016. To this day, a daughter (*2013) and a son (*2015) still connect the two. A few months after the separation, Mross was already in a relationship with Anna-Carina Woitschack (30). The couple got married live on TV in the show "Schlagerlovestory.2020" with presenter Florian Silbereisen (41) as witnesses. In November 2022, they announced their separation.

Daughter Johanna doesn't know what a cassette is: This is how Stefan Mross reacts

To receive a cassette of his old music from her own father is strange – but for Johanna that doesn't seem to have been the problem at all. Because the gift itself is said to have caused confusion for her. "What's that, Dad?" she quotes Stefan Mross' explanation is likely to cause laughter, especially among younger Schlager fans: "It's a kind of USB stick."

Johanna Mross had to be quite surprised about the gift from Papa Stefan. © IMAGO/Future Image; IMAGO/Monn Photo Agency (photomontage)

This year's season of "Always Again on Sundays" is behind him, but Stefan Mross is still not thinking about resting. He is currently busy touring the country with his "Always Again Schlager" tour - but still knows how to really relax between appointments. Sources

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