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11 repeat high school oral exam, 'experience to forget' - News

11/10/2023, 3:01:48 PM

Highlights: 11 repeat high school oral exam, 'experience to forget' - The case was opened after the family of a student, defended by lawyer Maria Chiara Isgrò, decided to appeal following the final results of her high school diploma. In turn, the Regional School Office had ordered an inspection that revealed "some significant irregularities", which convinced the school administration to issue a measure of cancellation of the oral tests. The second exam started yesterday and will end tomorrow with the last two students to be examined.

Today there are four who are taking the oral high school exam for the second time, which by decision of the TAR must be repeated, after the Regional School Office of Sicily identified irregularities, confirmed by the judges. (ANSA)

Today there are four who are taking the oral high school exam for the second time, which by decision of the TAR must be repeated, after the Regional School Office of Sicily identified irregularities, confirmed by the judges. Eleven students of the fifth A of the Galileo Galilei scientific high school in Spadafora, in the Messinese area, are back in front of the commission that must re-examine them, after a summer marked by anxiety.
"Now I will try to focus on my studies and forget this terrible dream that we will consider as one of the things in our lives not to be remembered," says Jolanda, just after the conclusion of her second exam. "Now," he continues, "I will continue with the conservatory and the course of study I have chosen." One of her classmates, Giulia, speaks of "a stressful period: for months I thought about the possibility of having to retake the exam, and it happened", while the student's father underlines "the absurdity of what happened. A situation that has created a lot of nervousness for the girls but also for us parents."
It was only three weeks ago that the students learned that the administrative judges had rejected their appeal in order to prevent the legal action taken by one of their classmates from forcing them to return to study.
The second exam started yesterday and will end tomorrow with the last two students to be examined. The case was opened after the family of a student, defended by lawyer Maria Chiara Isgrò, decided to appeal following the final results of her high school diploma. In turn, the Regional School Office had ordered an inspection that revealed "some significant irregularities", which convinced the school administration to issue a measure of cancellation of the oral tests, a decision confirmed by the TAR.

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