The Limited Times

6 tips to regain your glow

11/10/2023, 6:02:14 PM

Highlights: 6 tips to regain your glow. Here are six gestures that should not be missing in your daily routine?. French mesotherapy, a total revitalization shock for the skin, which restores the natural glow immediately, painlessly, safely and in a few sessions. Reading a good book, meditating for a while, disconnecting helps to start a healthy sleep, it also avoids exposure to blue light and invites us to relax and achieve a better quality of rest (which is reflected in the skin)

Dull skin? Here are six gestures that should not be missing in your daily routine?

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As the years go by, we shouldn't get used to seeing less luminosity in our skin; Because although it is something natural that happens as we age, fortunately today it is possible to recover freshness and the glow effect. We can look better, if we take into account some good habits that influence this effect of facial brightness more than we think.

From the age of 20 (and even, nowadays, from younger) both women and men begin to emphasize the lack of "that I don't know what" that their face had, and that they no longer perceive. That special glow that comes with the daily exercise of removing makeup, exfoliating, moisturizing and making a mask (to achieve deeper hydration between so many skincare routines).

To maintain a healthy, toned and luminous appearance of the skin, we review the check list of good practices that we must incorporate:

1. Protect yourself from blue light. We find it in all electronic devices. If you spend many hours in front of the computer or cell phone, even without exposing yourself to the sun, don't forget to apply SFP, to prevent and avoid dehydration and the appearance of spots.

2. Do physical activity 30 minutes a day. You already knew it, you've heard it a hundred times and really, you don't have to go out of your way with strenuous aerobic classes. Half an hour of active walking is enough, and always remember to hydrate properly on a water-based basis. But did you think about why there is so much emphasis on moving the body? The skin is the last organ of the system to receive nutrients and hydration, so the less blood circulation, the less oxygenation and in the absence of this the skin looks more opaque.

3. Consume vitamin C. Incorporate it through serums or ampoules but also by consuming foods rich in this vitamin: tomatoes, strawberries, citrus fruits. Care is always from the inside out!

4. Perform a conscious detox. Avoid or reduce the consumption of flours, sausages and processed foods... The idea is to enjoy them sporadically, not as the basis of the daily diet. We know that the excess of these foods causes slower intestinal processes, the appearance of acne and excess sebum that, if not eliminated correctly, damage and reduce the luminosity of the skin. Always consult with a specialist about the eating routine that best suits you.

5. Yes to digital disconnection. Get in a slow mood before bed. Reading a good book, meditating for a while, disconnecting helps to start a healthy sleep, it also avoids exposure to blue light and invites us to relax and achieve a better quality of rest (which is reflected in the skin).

6. Opt for non-invasive treatments. One of them is French mesotherapy, a total revitalization shock for the skin, which restores the natural glow immediately, painlessly, safely and in a few sessions. It contains more than 59 trace elements and hyaluronic acid, which regenerate lost collagen. Accepting the help of science, in pursuit of integral well-being, is a symptom of vitality.

Now, "let's shine, my love!, with these easy tips to incorporate into your day-to-day life, you will once again see the glow that your skin is missing. The invincible allies to revitalize and feel the skin fresher: protection + activity + detox + French mesotherapy.

Advisor: Dr. Mónica Ibarra, dermatologist (MN 80601), member of the Oxapharma Scientific Committee.

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