The Limited Times

A maximum of ten euros per square metre: construction offensive in Mittenwald

11/10/2023, 7:11:28 PM

Highlights: The market town of Mittenwald and the federal government are setting a milestone in terms of local development. In the coming year, 54 affordable apartments are to be built on part of the former site administration (StoV) The rent is "a maximum of ten euros per square metre", as Paul Johannes Fietz confirms. Three floors each and a mix of one- to four-room apartments are planned – initially only for federal employees. However, experience from other projects shows that a good half will be available for other groups of employees.

Status: 10.11.2023, 20:00 PM

By: Christof Schnürer


Ceremonial moment in Mittenwald's town hall: (front from left) Mayor Enrico Corongiu and BImA board member Paul Johannes Fietz sign the basic agreement. They are also happy about this (back from left) Market builder Ralf Bues as well as Laura Wiesner and Rudolf Deser (both from BImA Munich). © Christof Schnürer

The market town of Mittenwald and the federal government are setting a milestone in terms of local development. In the coming year, for example, 54 affordable apartments are to be built on part of the former site administration (StoV). The partners have signed a basic agreement to this effect in the town hall.

Mittenwald – It is only the beginning of a fruitful cooperation: The market town of Mittenwald and the federal government have agreed to start a groundbreaking housing project on part of the former site administration, or StoV for short. In the northern area of this 4.6-hectare site, 54 affordable apartments are to be built in six buildings. The rent is "a maximum of ten euros per square metre", as Paul Johannes Fietz confirms. He is a member of the board of directors of the Federal Institute for Real Estate (BImA), which has been marketing federally owned properties on behalf of the Ministry of Finance since 2005.

So far, this has mostly meant the sale of real estate, as the privatization of 370 Bundeswehr apartments on Gebirgspionierstraße in Mittenwald in 2009 had shown. "The federal government will not make this mistake again, we have learned this lesson. We are more careful with land," Fietz admits. Together with Mayor Enrico Corongiu, the BImA board has now signed a so-called basic agreement.

In this specific case, this means that the federal government is building the six apartment buildings in question, including a garage courtyard and multi-storey car park, on its own 10,700 square metres in question and is also marketing them. The Mittenwald market regulates the building law requirements in close exchange. The two BImA representatives from Munich, Rudolf Deser (Head of Portfolio Management Bavaria) and residential developer Laura Wiesner, form an important hinge here.

As a result, we can significantly relieve the increased pressure on living space.

Mayor Enrico Corongiu

Three floors each and a mix of one- to four-room apartments are planned – initially only for federal employees. However, experience from other projects shows that a good half will be available for other groups of employees. This is particularly important to the mayor of Mittenwald. "This will allow us to significantly relieve the increased pressure on living space," Corongiu explains. "From an urban planning point of view, our town also wins."

If the land-use planning proceeds quickly, Rudolf Deser even expects the groundbreaking ceremony to take place in the summer of 2024. The BIma representatives did not want to comment on the costs, which are certainly likely to be in the double-digit million range. Laura Wiesner is more specific when it comes to design. "Concepts of modern timber construction or timber hybrid construction, which we would like to implement in this project, are particularly exciting."

After more than seven years – some nerve-wracking negotiations, for example on contaminated sites – it is now becoming concrete on the federally owned StoV site. If this project is implemented in the near future, about 3.6 hectares of the so-called conversion area will remain. This is to be developed according to a proven model. "I am convinced that it can only be done together, especially under the difficult conditions," emphasizes Deser. And the government director goes even further: "Together, we, the market Mittenwald as the planning agency and the BImA as the owner, will be able to realize both the necessary commercial space for the market and modern and affordable apartments for federal employees, especially soldiers."

This represents a "comfortable situation" for everyone involved, adds BImA board member Fietz. "This is because housing is being created that the municipality does not have to finance." Which is certainly something that is often heard in the market treasurer's office, especially since Mittenwald is not exactly swimming in money.