The Limited Times

Design of the protected space? Not only aesthetically pleasing, also critical to safety - voila! Home & Design

11/10/2023, 10:11:54 PM

Highlights: In most homes, the safe room is a functional room for routine days, but it is very important to make sure that it is safe and practical for emergencies. In times of emergency, family members will enter and stay in the space in their home, this room will protect them physically and mentally by virtue of being familiar and helps reduce anxiety. On November 14, 21, 28, 20, 23, Ariel Harel will give a series of lectures on the subject of safe room design on the Tiltan College of Design and Visual Communication.

In most homes, the safe room is a functional room for routine days, but it is very important to make sure that it is safe and practical for emergencies. Testimonials from interior designer Ariel Harel

Window Curtain Dimension / Ariel Harel

The events of October 7 and the outbreak of the Iron Swords War were unfortunately a reminder of the importance of the safe room – the protected space in the apartment. Israel is a country known for wars and there are areas where the use of dimensions is more frequent than others, but in most homes, it can be said that this is a functional room for routine days. In times of emergency, family members will enter and stay in the space in their home, this room will protect them physically and mentally by virtue of being familiar and helps reduce anxiety. Despite the preoccupation with space design, it is very important to leave the safe room safe and practical for emergencies.

Sketch for the safe room / Ariel Harel

Accessibility and space

Since the safe room is a functional room on a daily basis (bedroom, walk-in closet, games room, study, etc.), it is important to leave a comfortable space for movement and not clutter up the space. It is important to remember that when necessary, this room is supposed to host family members, sometimes for an extended period of time. Maintain accessibility and avoid cluttering objects that can be encountered while running to the safe room. It is recommended to maintain a space that can accommodate as many people as possible in an emergency.

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Easy door in the safe room / Ariel Harel

Concealment solutions

To the heavy safe room door you can find a solution and add a light interior door. This is an aesthetic and comfortable solution for routine days. Be sure to keep the safe door of the safe room and God forbid not be tempted to remove it, since in an emergency it will protect the break-in from the outside, it can be left open regularly and make do with the interior door for daily use. The bulky window frame can be softened by a falling soft curtain or a Roman curtain. Here, too, it is important to maintain accessibility to close the window in an emergency. The conspicuous emergency systems can be decoratively concealed, but they must not be blocked.

Mattresses and pillows for dimension / Ariel Harel

Furniture selection and modular thinking

It is recommended to furnish the safe room according to the use made of the room. And think about multifunctional furniture that will be used by all family members when needed, such as: pull-out bed, armchair, mattresses and more. High cabinet and / or shelves - it is recommended to design a cabinet in which every function and element is carefully planned for both routine and emergency. The cabinets and shelves must be securely fixed to the walls in order to prevent falling on the occupants of the safe room following the impact of the blast. In this space, it is important for Brother San to have emergency supplies: a power splitter, flashlight, batteries, water, food, radio, chargers, etc. To make your protected space more personal and relaxing, ask each member of your household to choose a happy item for them. It can be a board game, craft kit, teddy bear, etc.

A dimension that serves as a room for a girl / Ariel Harel

Accessories and design details

In the safe room, it is advisable not to hang fragile decorative items such as mirrors, ceramic sculptures and framed pictures. The walls should be kept as clean as possible in order to prevent injuries in case of emergency, can be designed with elements including soft fabrics and materials that are not fragile.

Emergency Dimension Kit / Ariel Harel


Designed lighting fixtures can be installed in the safe room. In times of emergency, the preference is for ceiling-mounted lighting fixtures. It is not recommended to install chandeliers and heavy light fixtures. In addition, emergency lighting must be provided in the safe room

Ariel Harel/PR

Tips courtesy of Ariel Harel, coordinator of the home styling track at Tiltan College of Design and Visual Communication. Ariel is an interior designer and home styling, with an independent firm specializing in designing residential and commercial spaces. Leading lecturer and facilitator, over twenty years in the design professions.

On November 14, 21, 28, 2023, Ariel Harel will give a series of lectures on Zoom on the subject of safe room design. Tiltan College of Design and Visual Communication invites everyone to take part in the lectures, for free. You can register here.

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