The Limited Times

DRC: M23 presence in Kivu reinforces instability

11/10/2023, 7:42:03 PM

Highlights: DRC: M23 presence in Kivu reinforces instability. In this province, conflicts have punctuated the lives of the inhabitants for several decades. Special Envoy to Bunagana, Rutshuru and Gasizi, Vieux Jeannot regularly makes others suffer the costs. Since the M23 took up arms again in November 2021, it has had to provide security on the border with Uganda. It's a daunting task for one man, as his group, accused of much violence in the region, is happily moving around the eastern DRC's North Kivi province.

REPORT - In this province, conflicts have punctuated the lives of the inhabitants for several decades.

Special Envoy to Bunagana, Rutshuru and Gasizi


There have been kidnappings, I haven't been idle last night, I'm exhausted," grumbles Vieux Jeannot over the phone. In a gloomy mood, the man in charge of immigration and security for the armed rebel group of the March 23 Movement - M23 - is not the type to vent. His sleep is golden, and he doesn't want to hear anything for a few hours. In Bunagana, in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the nights are not restful and Vieux Jeannot regularly makes others suffer the costs.

Since the M23 took up arms again in November 2021, it has had to provide security on the border with Uganda. It's a daunting task for one man, as his group, accused of much violence in the region, is happily moving around the eastern DRC's North Kivu province. If it is easier to reach Vieux Jeannot by the land border of Bunagana, which separates Uganda from the DRC, it will still be many kilometers...

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